Saturday, August 31, 2013

Announcements through September 7th

St. Michael's "Summer
        Choir" gathers at the piano.

Thanks to the members of the St. Michael’s Choir who have continued to provide musical leadership through the summer months! Weeknight rehearsals resumed on Thursday, August 29, and we hope many new faces (and voices) will join us! The weekly rehearsal schedule is Thursday evening from 7 - 8:30 pm in the church, and Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Parish Center. If you are interested in joining this important ministry of the church, please speak with our Music Director, Doug Leightenheimer.

You are invited to join us for Bible Study each Wednesday morning, beginning September 4th at 10 am in the Womble Library. The Bible Study will be facilitated by Peter Schmidt.  Come with your ideas, suggestions and what you would like to learn so we can tailor-make this informal class best suited to everyone.  Join us and bring a friend.  All are welcome!

Women’s Bible Study begins on Wednesday, September 11th at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center.  This year we will study one of the most courageous women in the Bible: Esther. We will explore the history and see how this can apply to us today.  Books can be purchased ahead of time in the Parish Office at a cost of $15. If you cannot afford the book, but still want to come, please do so. The cost will be covered. Sign-up Sheets are located in the back of church.

You are invited to join us for TaizĂ© meditation service of prayer in the Church, 6:45 PM this Tuesday, September 3rd. All are welcome!