As the Senior Warden promised in The Messenger, Spring 2015, here is our first progress report.
Bishop Smith met with the Vestry, Treasurer, Clerk, Parish Secretary,
Bookkeeper, Editor and Web-master, and School Headmaster on Saturday, 18
April 2015, as a follow-up to an earlier meeting with Canon Traquair.
Both meetings provided comfort and confidence. Here we address the
respective responsibilities of each parishioner in this transitional
We all must stay calm and carry on faithfully our worship, ministries
and stewardship; and pray for guidance and wisdom, so that we may emerge
from our inner reflection and external search with a new Rector, who
will lead us to new horizons inspired by the Holy Spirit.
In the absence of the Rector, the Senior Warden is the parish’s
ecclesiastical authority. The Vestry is responsible for forming the
Nominating Committee, preparing the Parish Profile and the Portfolio
needed for the search, approving and supporting the Interim Rector, and
choosing the new Rector from the finalists recommended by the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee is to receive and evaluate the names from the
Bishop’s Office in order to recommend finalists to the Vestry. This
Committee shall consist 8 to 12 parishioners, including two Vestry
members. It shall elect a non-Vestry member as its Chair, while the
Senior Warden serves ex-officio without vote.
In forming the Parish Profile and Portfolio, the Nominating Committee
shall assist the Vestry to hear from all parishioners their respective
visions of the parish’s future mission and character. The meetings and
surveys will follow the formats recommended by the Bishop’s Office.
The Bishop will assign a consultant to assist us in the process. The
first of the four to five meetings between the Consultant and the
Nomination Committee will occur as soon as the that Committee is formed.
Between now and 10 May, all parishioners are encouraged to submit names
to the Vestry for consideration. Wisdom and commitment to the hard work over long hours with
confidentially, not special interest or group identity, are the basic
criteria for Nominating Committee membership.
Bishop’s Office stays ready to assist us. The search for the Interim
Rector has begun. The aim is to have the Interim Rector installed
immediately after 28 June, if possible. The Bishop also suggests that
the nomination process occur in the winter/spring period with the hope
of having a new Rector by Fall of 2016.
Presently, please do not forget to give thanks for Fr. Smith’s faithful and caring service among us for over 20 years.
John Hsieh, Senior Warden
Lisa Sharp, Junior Warden
Jo Leeming, Treasurer
Carolyn Schlager, Clerk |
Andy Harris
Reed Karaim
Alec Kennedy
Marjorie King | Chris Lewis
Linda Morrison
Katrina Noble
Todd Vick
Joel Williams |