WE NEED YOUR HELP: We are also collecting: bandages, body and hand lotion to take to Poz Café that day. Collection box in back of church. We appreciate your generosity.
The next WM/ECW meeting is on Wed., May 20, in the Parish Center. We will have a speaker, Nancy Bissell from the Primavera Foundation. Following the meeting, we will have lunch at Roma Imports. Transportation is available, and all women in the parish are invited. Join us for an informative meeting and good food, lively conversation and fellowship!
Our Women's Ministries group is selling teapots. and assorted china in the Parish Center after all Masses. These are the items we have used for the English Teas in the past. Stop by and browse. Perhaps you will find something that will bring some additional beauty into your life.
You are invited, May 19th, Taizé service of meditation at 6:30 pm in church. It is a quiet time of scripture readings, music and meditation.
Parish Life Invites you to join us at Old Pueblo Grille, 60 N. Alvernon Way, just north of Broadway, Thursday, May 28th at 6:30 pm. Entrees start at $10.