Thursday, October 08, 2015

Parish Directory Update

Next week, while the church is closed for termite fumigation (Wednesday October 14th at noon through Sunday, October 18th), we will be working on updating the online Parish Directory. If you filled out a form this spring and/or had your picture taken, we will be making sure to get your listing updated accordingly. If you missed out on this, are new to the parish or have had a recent change in contact info, it's not too late! Please see Karen in the church office or after the High Mass on Sunday. Alternatively, we will accept your "selfie" or other photo to use in the directory.

Once we get all the updated pictures and info into the system, we will republish the directory. This will be available for download on the sidebar of our news blog at this link: churchdirectory.pdf. The password to open the file is available from the church office. (Hint: nickname of our patron saint followed by the code used to open the gate!)

We will also print a limited number of directories on request - price to be announced once we know the cost.