Saturday, March 05, 2016

News from Guatemala, plus Announcements Through March 12th, 2016

A Note from Ila Abernathy and the Guatemala Project:
Dorothy and I are in Nebaj, waiting the word if Petrona de Paz, well known to RN Sarah, can leave the hospital in Nebaj tomorrow for new tests in El Quiche.  We had to cut short our time in rural Santa Clara Area (3 communities, 2 best approached on foot, after a 6-hour pickup truck ride to the first) in order to accompany Petrona de Paz to the hospital in Nebaj, for transfer to the cancer hospital in Guatemala City.  We were hoping for departure tomorrow, but it had to be delayed until Monday, while tests were ordered.  We are so concerned not to let this last opportunity slip away for Petrona that we are hiring a pickup truck to follow the ambulance to El Quiche, where two more tests have to be done before we arrive in the capital.  [Social worker got one for free, one at reduced rate, which we will pay].  See earlier note to a few folk below, which gives a bit about the medical condition.  Even the doctors here had never seen a carcinoma quite like this one.

This should have happened two years ago. With the cooperation of everybody, and our presence, and assurances we would accompany all the way to the capital, we got her out of remote Xecoyeu by ambulance on Wednesday (will send photo of the "road"). I sorta had to promise the moon to the sometimes-reluctant husband that we would cover any uncovered medical expenses and his food and transportation in the capital, so feel free to send tax-deductible donations to St. Michael's Guatemala Project, 602 N. Wilmot, Tucson, 85711. Dorothy Chao and I will cover any new expenses personally and get reimbursed after we return to Tucson March 10.

For you medical types, it's a "massive" (approx. 18 x 27 cm.) carcinoma of the left breast, and an earlier, much-delayed biopsy indicated it is a "comedocarcinoma." Dorothy promptly looked it up on her smart phone, and it's a type that usually doesn't metastasize. But this has gone on for three years, and there was also infection when we arrived. Wish the best for Petrona. She is 37, has 8 children.


More about Petrona and her journey: Patrona dePax Lopez - Welcomes to Ixil and Quiche Mayan Communities ______________________________________________________________


United Thank Offering (UTO)

Envelopes and / or Thank Offering boxes are available in the back of church. Please be as generous as you circumstances will allow.

~ You are Invited ~
Please join us THIS MONDAY, March 7th at 5:30 PM in the Smith Parish Center as we enjoy a meal with our friends for the Islamic Center of Tucson. (Reservation sheets in back of church).

Ladies, mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 16th.  The Episcopal Church Women, ECW, will meet at 10:30 am. in the Smith Parish Center.  All women of St. Michael’s are considered members and are invited to attend for fellowship, lively conversation and a chance to make new friends.

Dear Parishioners, I need your help. Our membership data base is seriously outdated.  People have moved, changed addresses, changed phone numbers and/or email addresses.  Please take a moment to complete an update form, even if you have not made any changes. Simply complete the update, fold it and drop in the collection basket, take it home and bring it back next week, or simply mail it. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration in this important task.              

Taizé is celebrating its 5th Anniversary at St. Michael’s! Join us
for a special reception following the March 15th Taizé Service at 6:45 pm.

March 17th ~ POZ Café Luncheon.
St. Michael's is once again participating with 2 other churches and TIHAN in putting on the March 17th POZ Café luncheon. We have been asked to donate 40 rolls of paper towels, 80 boxes of Kleenex, and 320 disposable razors. These items will be put in the care packages that are given out at the luncheon. The razors and Kleenex can be purchased at the Dollar Tree for a dollar. Please help us fill up the chest in the back of the church. Cash donations to buy these items are also welcome.
We need 6 volunteers to help the day of the luncheon, March 17-time is 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.  (Sign-up sheet in back of church.) See Dianne Gundersen or Diane Tyron for details.

JOIN PARISH LIFE FOR A St. Patty’s Day Feast!
Thursday, March 17th at 6:30 pm
St. Michael’s Smith Parish Center
$10.00 per person
Music provided by Dave Erhardt and friends!
And Piper ~ Michael Leeming

Dinner prepared by Chef Andy O’Bruno and includes traditional corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots and bread pudding.  Beer additional. Reservations sheets in back of church and reserve no later the March 11th.