Monday, April 18, 2005

Update from Father Smith

Received Monday, April 18th.

Good morning! Arrived with fierce headwind in Belorado. Tomorrow a big climb to San Juan de la Ortega, and then on Wednesday to Burgos! Muscles getting acclimated. Toe is getting better, no blisters at all (Rachel's vasoline advice and Alice!). Get in each day at 3-5pm and check into Albergue and get my Credencial stamped. Sometimes eating out, and sometimes eating with the walking community. Everybody makes or brings something. Pretty pooped tonight. Glad to hear that Auction was a success. I guess I didn't win the drawing!!!

Peace for now, carrying and praying over everyone's intentions. Have gone about 210 km so far.


More info, pictures: The Camino to Santiago de Compostela