Monday, February 28, 2005

Announcements for Week ending March 6th, 2005

A 7-string banjo guitar hybrid concert will be here at St. Michael's Friday, March 4th at 8:00 PM. Come hear original classical banjo compositions from Tim Wiedenkeller's Milagros CD live, featuring Rob Paulus on bass and violin, Richard Katz on piano and keyboards, and Debbie Daly on vocals. Tim is an incredible musician and a phenomenal singer with a beautiful tenor voice. Tickets are $15 and are available in the Church office. Please see below for details.

General Mills and Campbell labels and used postage stamps needed! - ECW is collecting these items to benefit Southwest Indian Schools. Stamps should be left on the envelope paper with at least a 1/8 or 1/4 inch border around the stamp. A large envelope is located at the back of the church in which to place these items.

ECW dues are due - the annual free-will payment of $15 per member is due. dues help support the outreach and good works supported by out parish ECW through the National ECW Fair Share and other charities.

The Sermons page has been updated.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Announcements for Week Ending February 27th, 2005

Parish Office will be closed Thursday and Friday, February 24th and 25th.

The Big Red Valentine Heart of St. Michael's Parish is on display in the Parish Center. Please look for it. There are names listed of those who have planned for their church in their giving. Planned Giving bequest cards are available and these surround the "heart." A bequest to st. Michael's is truly a gift of a lifetime.

St. Paul Study and Potluck this Wednesday,
starting at 6:00 PM in the Parish Library.

All are invited to our Friday Holy Eucharist for the intention of the continued unity of our Episcopal Church. Join Fr. Womble at 5:30 PM.

Father Smith will celebrate the Family Mass in the Parish Hall (near Godly Play program) next Sunday at 9:05 AM for families with school children. A picnic will be held in the park immediately following the family mass. All families are invited.

A 7-string banjo guitar hybrid concert will be here at St. Michael's Friday, March 4th at 8:00 PM. Come hear original classical banjo compositions from Tim Wiedenkeller's Milagros CD live, featuring Rob Paulus on bass and violin, Richard Katz on piano and keyboards, and Debbie Daly on vocals. Tim is an incredible musician and a phenomenal singer with a beautiful tenor voice. Tickets are $15 and are available in the Church office. Please see below for details. [deleted 3/16]

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Confirmation! February 20th, 2005

Here are a few pictures from confirmation today. Sorry they aren't better - my camera really isn't very good at capturing pictures inside the church. More later. - Karen

Friday, February 18, 2005

New Sermon posted

Father Smith's "Temptation" sermon from the First Sunday of Lent has been added to the Sermons page--with illustrations! - Karen

Monday, February 14, 2005

Announcements for Week ending February 20th, 2005

Collection for Easter Flowers - please include your donation in the envelope in your pledge card box or make certain your donation is clearly marked for "flowers" and place in the offering basket.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer - let us pray and give thanks for the Diocese of Maine (Province 1, U.S.), Chilton Abbie Richardson Knudsen, and its people and clergy.

A support group - formed for those who have experienced a loss at some time - meets monthly. Next meeting Monday, February 14th, at noon, at the City Grill restaurant located at 6464 E. Tanque Verde Road. Please call Peggy Speese for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

Vestry meeting this Tuesday starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Parishioners are invited to attend this important parish function.

The Parish Day School's Annual Science Fair is this Tuesday and Wednesday. All are invited come see and experience St. Michael's student presentations in the Student Center. Tuesday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM; Wednesday from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM with a guest speaker from the U of A geology department, special activities, and awards starting at 8:10 AM.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) meeting this Wednesday starting at 10:00 AM, in the Parish Center. All women are invited to attend.

St. Paul Study and Potluck this Wednesday, starting at 6:00 PM in the Parish Library.

All are invited to our Friday Holy Eucharist for the intention of the continued unity of our Episcopal Church. Join Fr. Womble at 5:30 PM.

Come and volunteer with other Casa Maria volunteers this Friday, at 6:30 PM, in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed extra hands and shelled hard boiled eggs are always welcome! Please join us for fellowship, good conversation, and help us with this good work.

Final confirmation class is this Saturday morning,
February 19th, from 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM. All participants are urged to attend the 8:30 AM Mass prior to class. For more information, please see Fr. Smith or call the church office. Confirmation next Sunday, February 20, with Bishop Smith.

Bishop Smith will visit St. Michael's Parish next Sunday morning,
February 20th. Bishop Smith will celebrate and preach at the 8:00 AM Mass and the 10:00 AM Mass. Confirmation will take place at the 10:00 AM Mass. A communal brunch in the Parish Center will follow this service to congratulate the newly confirmed and to welcome Bishop Kirk and Laura Smith.

Social Concerns meeting next Sunday following the 10:00 AM Mass in the Parish Center. See insert regarding the Guatemala Project. All are invited!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Announcements for Week ending February 13th, 2005

Two Services on Ash Wednesday

Regular Wednesday Mass at 12:10 PM

High Mass at 7:00 PM
with Litany of Penance and Sermon

Imposition of Ashes will be at both services.

Stations of the Cross will be said after the Wednesday 12:10 PM Mass each week during Lent.

During Lent make a good examination of conscience and make use of the rite, "The Reconciliation of a Penitent" on page 447 of The Book of Common Prayer. Confessions will be heard on Wednesdays between 11:45 AM and 12:10 PM and on Saturdays at 8:00 AM (or call the church office for an appointment with a priest).

Lenten Gospel Study presented by Fr. Joel Ireland during Lent on Monday evenings. February 7th through March 7, immediately following the 5:30 PM Mass in the Parish Center. This Lenten exercise will focus on the New Testament. Participants are encouraged to attend the Mass prior to the study. Light refreshments will be served.

Altar Guild invites everyone to help prepare
the church for Ash Wednesday on Tuesday, February 8, starting at 9:00 AM until completion. Please note that there will not be a general meeting in the month of February.

ECW Casserole / Bake Sale next Sunday, February 13th, following the morning service near the Parish Center. Purchase delicious dishes while supporting the many ECW funded projects.

Bishop's Initiative on Immigration and Border Issues takes place next Saturday
, February 12, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at St. Philip's In The Hills. join Fr. Smith and others in the conversation regarding these issues and the need to strategize and plan for faith response outreach to the sick, hungry, and thirsty migrants. No cost; lunch provided. Please sign up at the ushers' cabinet.

A support group - formed for those who have experienced a loss at some time - meets monthly. Next meeting Monday, February 14, at noon, at the City Grill restaurant located at 6464 E. Tanque Verde Road. Please call Peggy Speese for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

The Coexistence Project,
a unique outdoor exhibit will be on display in Tucson the month of February on the mall at the U of A. This exhibit is internationally acclaimed having traveled the world since 200 1. It is brought to Tucson by a community coalition that is being led by The Inner Connection. The exhibit, "Coexistence: The Art of Living Together" was initiated and created by the Museum on the Seam in Jerusalem. It is comprised of 43 billboard sized posters designed by artists from around the world. Look for St. Michael's poster (in coalition with other Tucson Episcopal churches).

Confirmation Class continues Saturday mornings,
February 12 and 19, from 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM. All participants are urged to attend the 8:30 AM Mass prior to class. For more information, please see Fr. Smith or call the church office. Confirmation and receiving of parishioners who are prepared for confirmation will take place Sunday, February 20, with Bishop Smith.