Friday, August 31, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending September 2nd, 2007


Our Patronal Feast ~ MICHAELMAS is fast approaching. Save the date and bring a friend ~ Saturday September 29. Mass at 6:oo pm and a Mexican Fiesta Dinner to follow! Stay tuned !

The ECW will host a Pot Luck luncheon at their next meeting on Wednesday September 19 at 10:00.

Win this quilt! The ECW is raffling off this quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group. Details to follow. Tickets are available after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

Saturday September 15 ~ University of Arizona Football. Watch UA defeat New Mexico!! We will meet at the church, car pool to catch a bus from Reid Park and buy tickets at the stadium. The game time is not yet final. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ “Robin Hood or it Sherwood be Fun.” Cost :Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; Children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office.

PARISH LIFE PLANNING MEETING ~ Monday September 10 at 5:30 pm. – Only 45 minutes!

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Something new and different is planned
for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore.” If you are interested, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

WE STILL ARE IN NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” for newcomers on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon.

Fry’s Food Gift Cards. Anyone interested in purchasing a gift card, please contact Betty Malody.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of Thursday September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 26th, 2007


Mark your calendars for a NON-FICTION Book Club Event. On Thursday August 30th at 7 pm, we will read and discuss American Fascists by Chris Hedges. This book takes a hard look at a particular strain of American fundamentalism and the rise of anti-reason, anti-science religious fervor. The book challenges mainstream Christianity to examine how the faith is articulated in a world where fear is rising and subject to manipulation.

Upcoming Events

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden on Saturday, August 25th at 6:00 pm. Cost is $15.00. Sign-up sheet in back of church.

September ~ We are open for suggestions. Any and all ideas entertained. Call Julia Taylor or the church office with your thoughts!

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” for newcomers on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? The next Guest Ministry meeting will take place Tuesday, August 14 at 7 pm in the Womble Library. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 28th.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 19th, 2007


Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin is Wednesday, August 15th ~ 6:00 pm – Rosary ~ 6:30 pm – Mass ~ Pot Luck Dinner to follow. Bring a dish to share. Join us for good food and warm fellowship. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

Mark your calendars for a NON-FICTION Book Club Event. On Thursday August 30th at 7 pm, we will read and discuss American Fascists by Chris Hedges. This book takes a hard look at a particular strain of American fundamentalism and the rise of anti-reason, anti-science religious fervor. The book challenges mainstream Christianity to examine how the faith is articulated in a world where fear is rising and subject to manipulation.

Upcoming Events

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden on Saturday, August 25th at 6:00 pm. Cost is $15.00. Sign-up sheet in back of church.

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore.” There will be a very short organizational meeting right after the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, August 19. If you cannot attend, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” for newcomers on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? The next Guest Ministry meeting will take place Tuesday, August 14 at 7 pm in the Womble Library. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 28th.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 12th, 2007


THE SOCIETY OF MARY will meet at 7:45 am on Saturday August 11. They will pray the Rosary in honor of Mary and the Feast of the Assumption that is celebrated on August 15.

Mark your calendars for a NON-FICTION Book Club Event. On Thursday August 30th at 7 pm, we will read and discuss “American Fascists” by Chris Hedges. This book takes a hard look at a particular strain of American fundamentalism and the rise of anti-reason, anti-science religious fervor. The book challenges mainstream Christianity to examine how the faith is articulated in a world where fear is rising and subject to manipulation.

The Barnabus Group now meets at the OLD PUEBLO GRILL at 60 North Alvernon Way. The Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 11:30 am. The next meeting will take place, Monday, August 13, 2007. Susan Bedrick will be our Guest Speaker. Barnabas Group offers encouragement for those who have at sometime experienced a loss. Please call Peggy Speese at 325-0708 for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

Looking ahead ~ Wednesday ~ August 15 ~ please join us for Mass at 6:3o pm in honor of the feast of St. Mary the Virgin. Pot luck dinner to follow at the Parish Center.

Are you interested in confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Upcoming Events

A Bowling Night will be held on Friday August 10 at 5:30 pm at Camino Seco Lanes (114 S. Camino Seco). A sign-up sheet is located on the usher’s table at the back of church.

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden tentatively scheduled to the second half of August. Stay tuned for the date.

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore”. There will be a very short organizational meeting right after the 10:00 am mass on Sunday, August 19. If you cannot attend, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” (for newcomers to St. Michaels following the 10:00 am service in September. The date and more info will follow.) Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? Guest Ministry continues on August 14, 28 and September 11 and 25. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 28th.