Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Announcements for Week Ending February 17th


The First Annual Tucson International Festival will be held at St. Michael's on Saturday, February 16th, from 11 AM to 8 PM. Please click here for details, and watch this page for further announcements!

Fr. Ireland’s Lenten Bible Study - Join us each Monday evening during Lent for a lively discussion on selections from the Old Testament. The Bible Study will take place in the Parish Center from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. The first meeting is February 18, 2008. Everyone is welcome and urged to attend.

LENTEN PILGRIMAGE TO NACO, SONORA ~ Saturday February 16 leaving from the Church following 8:30 am Mass. We’ve been invited to help celebrate the Grand Opening of the Centro de Recursos para Migrantes (Migrant Resource Center) in Naco beginning at 10 am. The Center serves as an aid station for migrants apprehended in the U.S. and returned to Mexico - - many injured, ill or with nothing. There will be music, dance, food and, of course, some speeches. We’ll arrive a bit late but won’t miss more than some speeches. This is a good way to learn about the experience of migrants “repatriated” following detention in the U.S. You don’t have to have made up your mind about migration to begin to learn. The Center began operating January 5. In the first 4 weeks they served 785 people returned to Mexico. The Center reports some children in the Border Patrol detention overnight received NO food. We will car pool from St. Michael’s leaving after the morning Mass. Call Ila Abernathy if you would like to help drive.

Social Concerns will meet Sunday February 17 after the 10 AM Mass. Meeting begins 10 minutes after Mass ends. Everyone is welcome as we continue our Lenten Journey. We’ll cover agenda items and look at ONE of the Millennium Development Goals Supported by the Episcopal Church. Call agenda items to Peggy Van Norman.

Ladies Mark Your Calendar ~ St. Alban’s ECW has been invited to join St. Michael’s ECW for a luncheon on Thursday February 20 at the Lotus Garden. Please join us at 11:30 am for delicious food and engaging fellowship! Look for sign up sheets in back of church!

JUST COFFEE ~ a new shipment has arrived. Look for it at the morning coffee hours. Your purchase supports the Millennium Development Goals of global partnership for development and of environmental sustainability. This organic, fair-traded coffee is produced by cooperatives in Chiapas, the poorest state in Mexico.

SOCIETY OF MARY will meet for the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and will recite the Rosary on Saturday, February 9 at 7:45 am. All are invited!

MASS FOR HEALING AND LAYING ON OF HANDS CONTINUES EVERY WEDNESDAY at 12:10 PM with celebrant the Rev.John Smith. All are welcome. If you know of someone who would like Annointing of the sick and is not able to attend Mass, please contact the Parish office or Fr. Smith and he will come to their home.

MASS FOR CHURCH UNITY CONTINUES EVERY FRIDAY at 12:10 PM with celebrant the Rev. Carey Womble. All are encouraged to attend as we pray for Church Unity.

Upcoming Events
Parish Life is Growing!! When will we see YOU?!

BEFORE LENT BEGINS: BOWLING ~ Camino Seco Lanes ~ Friday February 1 at 6:30 pm.

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER ~ February 5 ~ 5:30 – 7pm. Cooking and clean-up help gladly accepted. Donations of syrup and sausage etc. also will be gratefully received. Sign up sheets available in back of church.

Hopefully we will be able to attend a spring training baseball game the last week in March ~ after Easter.

In early April, join us for dinner at Zeman’s (Ethiopian food). We are also planning a hike in Sabino Canyon. Stay Tuned!

Opportunities for Giving

We are looking for volunteers to host a “Lenten House Mass” during one of the Wednesdays in Lent February 13, 20, 27 or March 5 or 12. This would be a Mass and a “Pot Luck’ dinner in which the guests would provide the food. You would provide the hospitality of your home.
For more information call Joyce Tracy or the Parish Office – 886-7292

, at 6:00 PM, in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed - the volunteers can always use a few extra hands and a dozen or two SHELLED hard-boiled eggs. Be a GOOD EGG and join them for fellowship and to help with this good work.

We are collecting warm clothing, socks, underwear and personal toiletry items for our brothers and sisters in need. The collection site is at the back of church. Please be generous. Collection will continue until February 17, 2008

t. Michael’s Church and School are participating in Food For The Poor’s Project Starfish. We are asking you to give up some indulgence during Lent and contribute the cost of that indulgence. There is a marked basket in the back of church to receive your donations. These donations will be used for aid to the poor in Central America and the Caribbean.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Announcements for Week Ending February 10th


The First Annual Tucson International Festival will be held at St. Michael's on Saturday, February 16th, from 11 AM to 8 PM. Please click here for details, and watch this page for further announcements!

Fr. Ireland’s Lenten Bible Study - Join us each Monday evening during Lent for a lively discussion on selections from the Old Testament. The Bible Study will take place in the Parish Center from 6:00 until 7:00 pm. The first meeting is February 11, 2008. Everyone is welcome and urged to attend.

THE BARNABAS GROUP of encouragement for those who have experienced a loss at sometime meets monthly. Next meeting is Monday, February 11 at 11:30 AM at the Old Pueblo Grill located at 60 North Alvernon Way. Please call Peggy Speece at 325-0708 with your reservation at least three days prior to the meeting.

Novel Theology’s next meeting is Thursday February 7 at 6:30 pm. The book discussed: Bel Canto by Ann Patchett.

Ladies Mark Your Calendar
~ St. Alban’s ECW has been invited to join St. Michael’s ECW for a luncheon on Thursday February 20 at the Lotus Garden. Please join us at 11:30 am for delicious food and engaging fellowship! Look for sign up sheets in back of church!

JUST COFFEE ~ a new shipment has arrived. Look for it at the morning coffee hours. Your purchase supports the Millennium Development Goals of global partnership for development and of environmental sustainability. This organic, fair-traded coffee is produced by cooperatives in Chiapas, the poorest state in Mexico.

SOCIETY OF MARY will meet for the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and will recite the Rosary on Saturday, February 9 at 7:45 am. All are invited!

MASS FOR HEALING AND LAYING ON OF HANDS CONTINUES EVERY WEDNESDAY at 12:10 PM with celebrant the Rev.John Smith. All are welcome. If you know of someone who would like Annointing of the sick and is not able to attend Mass, please contact the Parish office or Fr. Smith and he will come to their home.

MASS FOR CHURCH UNITY CONTINUES EVERY FRIDAY at 12:10 PM with celebrant the Rev. Carey Womble. All are encouraged to attend as we pray for Church Unity.

Upcoming Events
Parish Life is Growing!! When will we see YOU?!

BEFORE LENT BEGINS: BOWLING ~ Camino Seco Lanes ~ Friday February 1 at 6:30 pm.

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER ~ February 5 ~ 5:30 – 7pm. Cooking and clean-up help gladly accepted. Donations of syrup and sausage etc. also will be gratefully received. Sign up sheets available in back of church.

Hopefully we will be able to attend a spring training baseball game the last week in March ~ after Easter.

In early April, join us for dinner at Zeman’s (Ethiopian food). We are also planning a hike in Sabino Canyon. Stay Tuned!

Opportunities for Giving


We are looking for volunteers to host a “Lenten House Mass” during one of the Wednesdays in Lent February 13, 20, 27 or March 5 or 12. This would be a Mass and a “Pot Luck’ dinner in which the guests would provide the food. You would provide the hospitality of your home.

For more information call Joyce Tracy or the Parish Office – 886-7292

Friday, February 01, 2008

Announcements for Week Ending Feburary 3, 2008


The First Annual Tucson International Festival will be held at St. Michael's on Saturday, February 16th, from 11 AM to 8 PM. Please click here for details, and watch this page for further announcements!

St. Margaret’s Altar Society will hold a Lenten Planning Meeting on Saturday February 2nd following the 8:30 am Mass at the Mary Altar.

St. Michael’s School presents the musical play: HOW TO EAT LIKE A CHILD and other lessons in not being a grown-up. Friday February 1st and Saturday 2nd, 2008 at 7 pm in the Student Center. Tickets on sale at the Church Office.

Novel Theology’s next meeting is Thursday February 7 at 6:30 pm. The book discussed: Bel Canto by Ann Patchett.

Upcoming Events
Parish Life is Growing!! When will we see YOU?!

BEFORE LENT BEGINS: BOWLING ~ Camino Seco Lanes ~ Friday February 1 at 6:30 pm.

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER ~ February 5 ~ 5:30 – 7pm. Cooking and clean-up help gladly accepted. Donations of syrup and sausage etc. also will be gratefully received. Sign up sheets available in back of church.

Hopefully we will be able to attend a spring training baseball game the last week in March ~ after Easter.

In early April, join us for dinner at Zeman’s (Ethiopian food). We are also planning a hike in Sabino Canyon. Stay Tuned!

Opportunities for Giving

We are collecting warm clothing, socks, underwear and personal toiletry items for our brothers and sisters in need. The collection site is at the back of church. Please be generous.

A Letter from Priest Angela


The last few weeks have been a complete blur of either driving long days or unpacking boxes. I’ve survived driving through my first snowstorm (a mild one!) and temperatures in the single digits! The earrings you gave me traveled with me and were proudly displayed in New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey and Washington DC – YES I have been through all those places and the earrings accompanied me!

The most fun part of this adventure so far was opening the moving boxes that contained the many gifts of jewelry, throws and scarves, books and all the other wonderful items from friends at St. Michael’s. I have yet to be able to slow down enough to enjoy them all but that will happen soon.

Thank you all for your generosity. Your gift certificate for warm clothes is greatly appreciated! You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
