Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Announcements for Week Ending June 1, 2008


PLEASE NOTE ~ The Friday Mass for Church Unity is postponed until Fr. Womble is able to resume this Mass. He is at home now and hopes to resume the Mass in the near future.

Novel Theology will meet at 6:30 pm Thursday, June 5th at the home of Sally Creswell. Book discussed is The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Join us for an evening of lively discussion and fellowship.

The Rev. Doctor Carey C. Womble, M.D. will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood at the 10:00 am High Mass on Sunday, June 1, 2008. Reception will follow in the Parish Center. All are welcome and invited to attend.

St. Margaret’s Altar Guild will hold their Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 11:00 in the Parish Center. An open invitation is extended to all current team members as well as any church member, man or woman, interested in learning what the Altar Guild is all about. You may want to join us as a means of fellowship and ministry in the parish. BRING YOUR OWN BROWN BAG LUNCH (BEVERAGES FURNISHED).

Saturday, May 31st is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Holy Rosary will be recited at 7:45 AM in Church. All are welcome to join us.

Opportunities for Giving

Contributions are being accepted for a “brick” in the Foundations Courtyard in memory of Greg Peters. Any amount is accepted and may be made at the parish office.

We ask for your prayers and donations for our missionary, Nancy Brown of Niger. She has come back to the states for surgery of a tumor on the thyroid. Hopefully the tumor is benign.

CASA MARIA will meet on Friday June 6 at 6 PM in the Parish Center. Your help is always needed – our volunteers can use a few eggstra hands and a dozen or more of SHELLED hard-boiled eggs. Join us for fellowship and to help with this good work.

The ECW is requesting donations of used men’s dress shirts for needy patients in hospitals and clinics in Africa. There is a box in the back of church in which to leave your donations. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

A Special Father’s Day gift ~ Honor a cherished parent In St. Michael’s BOOK OF PIPES. Each dedicated pipe will sing continually of the individual it memorializes as it sings the praises of God Almighty. Registration forms are located on the usher’s cabinet and on the Book Of Pipes cabinet.

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

June 20th ~ Friday ~ bowling ~ 6:30 pm ~ Camino Seco Lanes
June 28th ~ Saturday Evening at the Desert Museum
July 31 ~ Thursday evening dinner at Zeman’s (Ethiopian Food)
August 8 ~ Friday ~ Sidewinders Game

We are planning a trip to the Ft. Huachuca Museum. If you are interested or would like more information, please call the parish office Monday afternoons and talk to Les Stephens. Promises to be a fun event!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Announcements for Week Ending May 18, 2008


PLEASE NOTE ~ The Friday Mass for Church Unity is postponed until Fr. Womble is able to resume this Mass. His health IS improving and he is greatly missed!

JOIN US FOR A LITTLE ITALIAN OPERA AND DINNER AT VIROS on Wednesday, May 14 at 6:30 pm. Just $15.00 for dinner and you may bring your own special wine. Heather Ribblett will be our soloist. Join us for good food, great fellowship and wonderful music. Sign-up sheet is on the usher’s cabinet.

KNITTERS AND QUILTERS will meet on Saturday, May 17 at the home of Mary Gayle Nash at 11:00 AM. For more information please call Jody Snider at 296-5069.

St. Margaret’s Altar Guild will hold their Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 11:00 in the Parish Center. An open invitation is extended to all current team members as well as any church member, man or woman, interested in learning what the Altar Guild is all about. You may want to join us as a means of fellowship and ministry in the parish. BRING YOUR OWN BROWN BAG LUNCH (BEVERAGES FURNISHED).

Opportunities for Giving

Contributions are being accepted for a “brick” in the Foundations Courtyard in memory of Greg Peters. Any amount is accepted and may be made at the parish office.

A Special Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift ~ Honor a cherished parent In St. Michael’s BOOK OF PIPES. Each dedicated pipe will sing continually of the individual it memorializes as it sings the praises of God Almighty. Registration forms are located on the usher’s cabinet and on the Book Of Pipes cabinet.

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

May 14th ~ Wednesday Dinner at Viros
June 20th ~ Friday ~ bowling ~ 6:30 pm ~ Camino Seco Lanes
June 28th ~ Saturday Evening at the Desert Museum
July ~ Stay Tuned
August 8 ~ Friday ~ Sidewinders Game