Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Announcements for Week Ending May 23, 2009


FEAST OF THE ASCENSION - Please join us for Mass at 6:30 PM on Thursday, May 21st on Feast of the Ascension. Following Mass there will be a “Beef and Brew” buffet in the Parish Center. Sign-up sheets are in back of church. Cost: donation.

The Friendship – Fellowship Luncheon for May has been cancelled. Save the date of June 22nd for the next luncheon.

The beautiful handmade quilt raffle will be held at the ECW luncheon on June 17th. Sign up sheets for the luncheon can be found in the back of church. Luncheon will be catered by EnJoy cooking -$6.00 per person.

The Vestry will meet this Saturday (May 23rd) in the Parish Center. Members are encouraged to attend 8:30 am Mass. The Vestry will meet following Mass. All parishioners are invited to attend Mass and this important parish function.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will meet this Wednesday, May 20, starting at 10:30 AM in the Parish Center.

Back by popular demand – The ECW Bake / Casserole Sale. Sunday, May 24th after Mass. Ladies bring your favorite casserole or baked goods and purchase a casserole for dinner and dessert to go along. Some of the best cooks in Tucson belong to St. Michael’s Parish. Bake / Casserole sale next Sunday after the Masses!

St. Margaret’s Altar Guild Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Salad Brunch will take place this Saturday, May 23, 2009 beginning at 11:30 AM in the Parish Center. Reason: Fellowship and to ratify amendment (A) to our By-Laws. Sign up sheets located in back of Church!

United Thank Offering – Sharing Blessings Everyday
The UTO boxes will be given out on Sunday, May 24th and collected on the Sunday we will celebrate Michaelmas, September 27. United Thank Offering is the Mission Outreach of the Episcopal Church. Share your blessings daily and fill the box. Please be as generous as your circumstances will allow.

St. Michael's has a Facebook group! If you or a loved one are on Facebook, please consider joining. Help us connect with the next generation of St. Michael's parishioners!

Keep up with the parish and Fr. Smith on Twitter.com. Sign-up and then “follow” Fr. Smith (wa7iic) and the activities of our parish (smallangels). Or just watch the twitter feed on the sidebar of this very page! Feel connected, involved, and able to pray for the ministry of our parish in real time. Check it out!

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

Baseball - June – watch Tucson’s newest baseball team – the Tucson Toros play at Hi Corbett Field.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Announcements for Week Ending May 9, 2009


All the women of the Diocese of Arizona are invited to the area gathering.
Where: St. Alban’s
When: Saturday, May 16, 2009
Time: 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Come and share what you are doing in your parishes with everyone in your area. Sign up sheets in the back of church. Deadline for registration – Sunday, May 3rd.

Mother’s Day Tea scheduled for Saturday, May 9th has been postponed.

The Knitters and Quilters meeting for May has been canceled.

The beautiful handmade quilt raffle will be held at the ECW luncheon on June 17th. Sign up sheets for the luncheon can be found in the back of church.

Mother’s Day food drive is Sunday, May 10th. Please pick up a bag from the usher today. We will be unpacking bags and shelving food on Monday, May 11th at 9 AM. We need your help. Please meet us in the church office at 9am.

St. Margaret’s Altar Society annual meeting and pot luck salad brunch will take place Saturday, May 23, 2009 beginning at 11:30 AM in the Parish Center.
Reason: fellowship and to ratify amendment (a) to our by-laws.

St. Michael's has a Facebook group! If you or a loved one are on Facebook, please consider joining. Help us connect with the next generation of St. Michael's parishioners!

Keep up with the parish and Fr. Smith on Twitter.com. Sign-up and then “follow” Fr. Smith (wa7iic) and the activities of our parish (smallangels). Or just watch the twitter feed on the sidebar of this very page! Feel connected, involved, and able to pray for the ministry of our parish in real time. Check it out!

Opportunities for Giving

Casa Maria will meet at 6PM on Friday, May 8th in the Parish Center. We make 500 lunches for distribution to the poor, homeless, and out of work people in our community. Bring a dozen, (or two) hard-boiled (and shelled) eggs for the egg salad sandwiches. Come share in this effort and you’ll go home alive in the Spirit! All are welcome; bring your friends!

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

Bowling - Friday, May 15th at 6:30 PM at Camino Seco Lanes. Sign-up sheets in back of church.

Baseball - June – watch Tucson’s newest baseball team – the Tucson Toros play at Hi Corbett Field.