St. Michael’s Advent INTERNATIONAL Bazaar
Don't miss the
St. Michael’s Advent INTERNATIONAL Bazaar
St. Michael & All Angels
Episcopal Church
602 N. Wilmot Road (at 5th Street), Tucson, AZ 85711
* Saturday December 5th, 5 pm - 8 pm
Opening Reception & Sale
* Sunday December 6th, 9 am - 3 pm
Gifts Food Music
Holiday Shopping with a Conscience!
African Education Fund * African Team Ministries
Benedictine sisters * Borderlands Theater
Café para la Vida Digna * Casa de Elizabeth
Episcopal Peace Fellowship * Galeria La Sirena
Guatemala textiles * Humane Borders
Just Coffee * Nyame Adom Foundation
No More Deaths * Owl and Panther
Kelli Peacock * Planet Coexist
Pusurinkham Orphanage * St. Michael’s ECW
St. Michael’s Guatemala Project
St. Michael’s Social Action Committee
Shea Yeleen Int. * Sierra Club
Sisters of St. Francis * Spay & Neuter Solutions
Ten Thousand Villages * Mary Uhrig handcrafted egg ornaments
Zambian Children’s Fund
FOOD – Sunday, after 11:00
Colombian empanadas – for Comedores Populares, supporting a free lunch program in Fundación, Magdalena, Colombia
Fry bread and Indian tacos, holiday tamales (by the dozen, to carry):, for a clinic and Indigenous projects in Hermosillo
MUSIC / etc
MZEKALA choral ensemble (Saturday 6 p.m.) – Balkan traditional songs
Nancy McCallion / Danny Krieger (Sunday, 12:30 p.m.) – original songs, much about “unseen America” Danza Mexica Cuauhetemoc (Sunday, 1 p.m.) – Indigenous dance of Mexico
Ted Warmbrand (Sun +/- 2 p.m.) – banjo, guitar.
Pinata smash at 10 a.m. and noon
Other Announcements
E.C.W ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON will take place on Wednesday, December 16th at 11:00 AM at the Parish Center. PLEASE NOTE – THE MEETING WILL NOT START UNTIL 11 O’CLOCK FOR THIS MEETING ONLY! All women of the parish are invited. Reservations made on the sign-up sheet in the back of church. The delicious luncheon will be prepared by EnJoy Cooking and is $8.00 per person. Won’t you join us? The last day for reservations is no later than Monday, December 14.
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - the special beauty of St. Michael’s Christmas worship is the work of many people. Not all can be directly involved, but all can contribute to the Christmas Flowers and Decorations. Please use the Christmas Flowers envelope for floral donations.
Angel Food Candy is still available! Don’t forget your “Angel Food” for last minute Christmas gifts in an attractive gift-ready box. This is an affordable means of sharing the fund raising effort by your parishioner volunteers. Just stop by the church office for your Angel Food. Share the goodness and sweetness of St. Michael and All Angels Church!
Dues are Due! It is not too late to submit your St. Margaret’s Altar Society dues of $15.00. Your response is needed. Simply drop a check in the collection, with Altar Guild written in the memo or stop by the Parish Office. Thank you for your kind attention to this important matter.
Opportunities for Giving
Angel Tree tags are available for pick-up from the Christmas tree at the back of church. Please be sure to sign the sheet on the usher’s table so that we will know what children’s names have been taken.
This year we have approximately 35 children. You have been so generous with your gifts for the children. It is a real blessing for me to be involved. As usual, each child will receive a clothing gift and a toy … book ….game…etc. This year I need your gift, unwrapped, and returned to the office or brought to church no later than Sunday, December 13. Please remember to include the tags for return if any of the items are the wrong size or color. Most stores will give these when the gift is purchased. For any of you who would like to participate but are unable to shop, let me know and I will be glad to take care of it for you.
May God Bless all of you during this wonderful time of the year. Please call me if you have any questions or have any problems with your gifts. Thanking you in advance for your generosity – Ancelyn Smith