Saturday, January 30, 2010

Valentine Dinner and Announcements

2010 Valentine Dinner

Download this flyer and Lent insert.

Download the Messenger, February 2010 issue.


St. Michael’s Annual Parish Meeting
Congratulations to slate of candidates for the Vestry that were elected by acclamation: Richard Dolan, Steve Larsen and Colby Maye. Steve Coulter was re-elected as the Junior Warden by acclamation, and Debbie D’Amore was reappointed as the Senior Warden.

The delegates to the Diocesan Convention were presented and elected: Proscovia King, Steve Larsen, Paulette O’Malley, Joyce Tracy and Alex Wright.

A heartfelt thanks to all the parish organizations: Altar Guild, Casa Maria, Sunday School and Child Care, ECW, Social Action Committee, Meals Programs, Office Volunteers, Parish Life and those who serve in various capacities at Mass.

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER ~ February 16 ~ 5:30 – 7pm. Cooking and clean-up help gladly accepted. Donations of juice, fruit, syrup and sausage etc. also will be gratefully received. Sign up sheets available in back of church.

Children's Envelopes ~ there are boxes of children’s contribution envelopes located in the back of Church. If you do not find a box with your name, please take a box and sign your name on the list with the corresponding number found on the box.

St. Michael’s ECW will be sending a check for $543.00 to the Episcopal Relief and Development Office for the Haitian relief effort. This was made possible by the success of our bake sale and your generous donations. We thank you for your continued support.

Angel Food Candy is running out! - There are only a few boxes OF Angel Food Candy remaining. Just stop by the church office for your Angel Food. Think Valentine's Day! Share the goodness and sweetness of St. Michael and All Angels Church.

Opportunities for Giving

Our treasure chest is open for those who would like to donate new underwear, socks, mittens, blankets and sleeping bags to help men, women and families in need throughout this winter season. The Primavera Chest will be available through Sunday, February 14.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Announcements for Week Ending January 24th, 2010


St. Michael’s Annual Parish Meeting
Mark your calendar for St. Michael’s Annual Parish Meeting which will take place at the 9:00 AM Mass NEXT Sunday, January 24th. Sunday School and child care at 9:00 AM. Please note there will be ONE Mass on this day. A brunch will follow the Mass and meeting in the Parish Center. This is a very important parish function with Vestry election and various parish reports. We need your input and support.

ECW – Episcopal Church Women will meet on Wednesday, January 20th at 10:30 in the Parish Center. All women of the parish are invited to attend.

Angel Food Candy is running out!
There are only a few boxes OF Angel Food Candy remaining. Just stop by the church office for your Angel Food. Share the goodness and sweetness of St. Michael and All Angels Church.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to all parishioners who so generously gave gifts for the Angel Tree. There were 35 children this year and each received a gift of clothing, or a book, or toy or a game. I thank you, and the children thank you, for your generosity. It made their Christmas. God Bless You! - Ancelyn

Opportunities for Giving

Our treasure chest is open for those who would like to donate new underwear, socks, mittens, blankets and sleeping bags to help men, women and families in need throughout this winter season. The Primavera Chest will be available through Sunday, February 14.

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

Bowling, anyone?
Parish Life presents ~ bowling at Camino Seco Lanes on Friday, January 22nd at 6:00 PM. Sign-up sign located in the back of church.

Photos of the Week

Father Smith blesses the new Prophetic Sign,

painted by artist Bob Bennett

Prayers and readings at the dedication

Father Smith's birthday cake

Father Smith inspects his cake as Pat Miller
leads a round of "Happy Birthday to You"

More photos on the St. Michael and All Angels Arts blog.