Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Announcements for Christmas Week 2013

The Christmas issue of The Messenger is now available!  In this issue we hear from two more clergy from the parish's early years, info on a training opportunity for pastoral care and more! Click here to download your copy.

CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - the special beauty of St. Michael’s Christmas worship is the work of many people. Not all can be directly involved, but all can contribute to the Christmas Flowers and Decorations. Please use the Christmas Flowers envelope for floral donations in your contribution box.

Don’t forget your “Angel Food” for a different and delicious Christmas gift in an attractive gift-ready box. This is an affordable means of sharing the fund raising effort by your parishioner volunteers. Just stop by the church office for your Angel Food.

Please note ~ your 2014 contribution envelope boxes are available in the back of church today! Please take your envelope boxes to help defray the cost of having to mail them to people who have not retrieved them. Thank you ever so much for your cooperation in this important matter.

A “Big Heartfelt” THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the “Angel Tree” Project. It is always a joy to wrap and deliver these Christmas gifts. It simply makes my Christmas and I am always overwhelmed at the generosity of our parishioners and families of St. Michael’s Day School. God Bless You, Ancelyn!

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON NEW YEAR’S EVE?” Why not attend Mass at 5:30 pm and “Jump into the New Year” with a simple “Soup and hors d’oeuvres” supper with a champagne toast in the Parish Center. Two kinds of soup will

Sunday, December 15, 2013

More Announcements Through December 21

Christmas Services 2013

 Lighting the candles on Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24
7:30 am Morning Prayer
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Eve
5:00 PM  - Family Service ~ with setting up of the Crèche
10:00 PM  - Lessons and Carols ~ For Choir, Soloists and Organ
10:45 PM - Solemn Procession and High Mass

Wednesday, December 25
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Day
7:45 AM  - High Mass
10:15 AM - Solemn Procession and High Mass
(No 5 PM Mass on Christmas Day)


Miss that special item at the Bazaar? Our in-house Bazaar “spillover” Sale takes place this Sunday, December 15, featuring Parish groups at coffee hours. Expect Ten Thousand Villages, a few children’s books, glorious art by Bob Bennett, Mary Uhrig’s one-of-a-kind hand crafted egg decorations, the remnants of the Recycled Gifts and Trinket table, and possibly a “sampler” of Guatemala Project goods. Something for everyone!
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - the special beauty of St. Michael’s Christmas worship is the work of many people. Not all can be directly involved, but all can contribute to the Christmas Flowers and Decorations. Please use the Christmas Flowers envelope for floral donations in your contribution box. 

√ Don't forget your "Angel Food" for a different and delicious gift in an attractive gift-ready box.  This is an affordable means of sharing the fund rainsing effort by your parishioner volunteers.  Just stop by the church office for you ANGEL FOOD.  SHARE THE GOODNESS AND SWEETNESS OF ST MICHAEL'S.


Saturday, December 07, 2013

Annoucements Through December 21, 2013

Social Concerns special collection today will benefit TIHAN’S POZ CAFÉ. St. Michael's commits to provide a meal every March. This year’s meal will be held on March 21st. Your generous donation TODAY will cover the cost of the meal as well as personal supply gifts to those in attendance at the meal. WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF 3 OR 4 MORE VOLUNTEERS TO HELP SERVE THE MEAL. There are volunteer sheets to sign in the back of church.

St. Michael's is sponsoring “Poz Café” on the 21st of March. We are collecting toiletries to be handed out at the end of the meal. We are looking for 80 donations of Shampoo, 80 donations of Conditioner and 80 donations of deodorant. Regular or large sizes are preferred. If you are able to help, there is the gold “treasure chest” in the back of church where you may place your gifts. Donations may also be brought to the parish office. We thank you for your generosity. Call Tish Newell for more information.

Lenten Soup Suppers begin on Wednesday, February 20 at 6:30 PM at the House of Prayer. We will be viewing the movie “The Passion of Christ” by Mel Gibson. You are invited for a simple soup supper and then watch segments of the film discussing Jesus response to the violence done to him. The sessions are preceded by Evening Prayer at 6 PM.

Did you know? St. Michael's now has Godly Play, a Sunday School program for our children. The facilitators are: Rachael Poe, and Violet and Alec Kennedy. The class begins at 10:10 am in the Parish Center. All of our children and their friends are invited to participate and experience this exciting program.

A new shipment of “JUST COFFEE” has arrived. It is available at Coffee Hours in the Parish Center after the morning Masses.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Announcements for Week Ending December 8th, 2013

√ CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - the special beauty of St. Michael’s Christmas worship is the work of many people. Not all can be directly involved, but all can contribute to the Christmas Flowers and Decorations. Please use the Christmas Flowers envelope for floral donations in your contribution box.

√ Don’t forget your “Angel Food” for a different and delicious Christmas gift in an attractive gift-ready box. This is an affordable means of sharing the fund raising effort by your parishioner volunteers. Just stop by the church office for your Angel Food. Share the goodness and sweetness of St. Michael and All Angels Church!

√ Just a reminder – it is not too late to return your 2014 Giving Card. If you have not received one or have misplaced it, there are extras available in the back of church.

√ Taize Service of prayer this Tuesday, December 3rd. Taize is offered the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at 6:45 pm. in church. All are invited to attend this beautiful Service of Prayer.


Opportunities for Giving 

√ Angel Tree tags are available for pick-up from the Christmas tree at the back of church. Please be sure to sign the sheet on the usher’s table so that we will know what children’s names have been taken. This year we have approximately 38 children. You have been so generous with your gifts for the children. It is a real blessing for me to be involved. As usual, each child will receive a clothing gift and a toy … book ….game…etc. This year I need your gift, unwrapped, and returned to the office or brought to church no later than Sunday, December 15. Please remember to include the tags for return if any of the items are the wrong size or color. Most stores will give these when the gift is purchased. For any of you who would like to participate but are unable to shop, let me know and I will be glad to take care of it for you. May God Bless all of you during this wonderful time of the year. Please call me if you have any questions or have any problems with your gifts. Thanking you in advance for your generosity. -- Ancelyn Smith

√ Fr. Smith’s 15th Annual Pantano Rotary Shoebox Project is underway bringing joy to children in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. These children live in makeshift houses on hillsides around Nogales. Many of these households have no one employed. This is a THREE-NATION effort for 600-800 or more filled shoeboxes – infants through 12 years and 500 blankets. Warm mittens, caps, toys, etc can fill the wrapped shoe box with top lid NOT attached to the bottom (border inspection). Blankets may be new or used and if used must be dry cleaned (leave cleaning tag attached). Shoeboxes need to be returned to the Parish Office no later than Sunday, December 15. Blankets need to rolled like a bedroll and tied with twine or ribbon. More information in back of church.