ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS' LABYRINTH - take time to visit the Labyrinth in the courtyard near the parish Center.
The design of St. Michael's Labyrinth is modeled after the one located in the floor at Chartres Cathedral near Paris, France. The Labyrinth at Chartres was built around 1200 and is laid into the floor in a style sometimes referred to as a pavement maze and is walked as a pilgrimage and/or for repentance. As a pilgrimage, it was a questing, searching journey with the hope of becoming closer to God. When used for repentance, the pilgrims would walk on their knees. Sometimes this eleven-circuit Labyrinth would serve as a substitute for an actual pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and as a result, came to be called the "Chemin de Jerusalem" or Road of Jerusalem.
In walking the Labyrinth, the walker meanders through each of the four quadrants several times before reaching the goal. An expectancy is created as to when the center will be reached. At the center is a rosette design which has a rich symbolic value including that of enlightenment. This is where the individual is invited to mediate. You will notice the four arms of the cross are readily visible which provides significant Christian symbolism and also includes a Baptismal pool.
Come walk the Labyrinth--come experience a walking meditation-- every Monday morning starting at 8:00 AM with Fr. John Smith.
A NEW TESTAMENT GREEK CLASS FOR LAY PEOPLE to continues every Wednesday at 8:45 AM in the Parish Center. Fr. Smith will be teaching an Inductive approach to the Gospel of John. There is a $35 workbook fee for this class. For those interested, please call the church office at 886-7292 or email to
YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY AND POTLUCK continues Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM following Evening Prayer. The Bible Study will be led by the Rev. Daniel Richards and is open to all levels of knowledge or experience with the Bible. The study will be followed by a Mac ‘n Cheese potluck, so bring your favorite recipe and enough to share. Please bring your own Bible. Call the church office at 886-7292 or email to for more information.
RITE 13 YOUTH GROUP NOW FORMING - Rite 13 is a youth-oriented program, for ages 10½ to 13, developed to encourage community service, community building, and life-long relationships. Meetings are held every Sunday at 4 PM in the Parish Center. For more information, contact Leslie Weatherford, Rite 13 Coordinator, at 918-5261.
EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN (ECW) MEETING THE THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH starting at 10:00 AM, in the Parish Center. All women are invited to attend.
SOCIAL CONCERNS MEETING HELD EVERY THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH following the 10:00 AM Mass in the Parish Center. All are invited to attend.
COME HELP MAKE 500 BAG SANDWICHES FOR OUR COMMUNITY'S NEEDY served through the Casa Maria food program. Come join in fellowship every fourth week from Friday, October 3, in the Parish Center.