Sunday, July 04, 2004

The English Faire - In What Town Are You a Citizen-Volunteer?

Everyone in the parish registry has been assigned to one of the "towns" at the English Faire, and will soon be contracted by a Mayor or Town Cryer. If you have a preference, it's not too late to tell us where you belong! Here are the choices:

Canterbury - Everything to do with the church itself, including church tours, sacred music and religious items.

London Town - This is where you'll find the "jumble" (rummage) sale, plus Piccadilly Circus - fun, games, face painting, and jumping castle for the kiddies.

Stratford-Upon-Avon - Here's the place for food and entertainment, including the Dirty Duck Pub.

Oxford - Books, books, and more books!

York - High-class items can be found here, including plants, collectibles, art and photos.

This is our annual "open house" to all of Tucson, and our major fundraiser each year. Everyone is needed to help make the English Faire a success! Start collecting those items, and let us know where you fit in. Sign-up sheets can be found in the back of the church. Watch this page and the schedule page for updates!

--posted by Karen (