Sunday, August 29, 2004

Announcements for Week Ending September 6th, 2004

Anglican Cycle of Prayer - let us give thanks for the Church of South India (United), The Most Reverend K. J. Samuel, Primate, its people, and clergy.

New Testament Greek Class continues this Wednesday at 8:45 AM in the Parish Center.
Adult Bible Study and Pot Luck continues this Wednesday at 6:30 PM in. the Parish Center. And
Parents' Bible Study continues this Thursday at 8:00 AM in the Parish Library.

Casa Maria Volunteers will meet this Friday at 6:30 PM, in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed the volunteers can always use a few extra hands and shelled hard boiled eggs. Join them for fellowship and to help with this good work.

ECW is requesting the following for the English Faire Tea Room - needs to borrow 10 card tables and needs to borrow or a receive donations of 10 teapots. Please call Dolores Braren if you can help.