Monday, April 25, 2005

Update from Father Smith

Subject: Arrived in Sahagun
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:50:20

Celebrated St. Mark´s day with the people of Sahagun at the Hermit Chapel of the Virgin of the Bridge. A really neat church and medieval bridge. Yesterday, my back gave out the last 6 k into Terradillos de los Templarios. I was hunched over and fighting for every step--and the rain, wind, and hail didn´t help!! It seems the bed the night before was a real sag and after a while my back just said no more. I limped into town and with the help of some fellow pilgrims made it to the Alberque! Did some exercises and rested on a firmer bed and was able to make it today. I´m learning my limits. I had just finished over 100 k in three days before-- always leading the pack. Not good. Learning to take it step by step. Hope to be in Leon soon, then in a day or so to Astorga. Thank everyone for their prayers--this and the intentions keep me going.

Peace, John+