Announcements for Week Ending January 29, 2006
MIF Series, Adult Forum continues on Sunday, January 29th, in the Parish Hall from 9:00 to 9:45 AM. Topic will be "Horizons of Mission" to be presented by Ila Abernathy. All are welcome.
Labyrinth Meditation Walk with Fr. Smith Monday mornings starting at 8:00 AM.
Mass For Church Unity continues every Friday at 12:10 PM with celebrant the Rev. Carey Womble. All are invited to attend.
Who is my neighbor? - a teach-in on Comprehensive Immigration and Border Policy Reform, Saturday, January 28th, 10 AM to 3 PM. Sponsored by the "Bring Down the Walls" Coalition and others. "Join us as we look at concerns. Free; lunch provided. Contact Dedrechos Humanos at 770-1373 for details.
Epiphany gifts for Primavera - our treasure chest is open for those who would like to donate warm clothing, blankets, and sleeping bags to help homeless men, women and families throughout this winter season. The Primavera chest will be available through Sunday, February 26th.