Thursday, October 23, 2008

Announcements for Week Ending October 26, 2008


Bonnie Edwards, Lynette Emory and Jodi Snider wish to thank all the Ladies of the ECW that helped to make the ECW Annual Convention a success. THANK YOU!

HOLIDAY GREENS - St. Michael’s Angels Parent Organization is excited to announce their annual Holiday Evergreen Fundraiser. Brochures and order blanks are in the back of church. Simply complete the form and return it to the church office with payment. Please know that $10 – $12.00 per wreath comes back to St. Michael’s Day School!

Fr. Ed and Margaret want to thank our parish family for their loving support and good wishes at the time of our wedding. We will remember the day forever!

Opportunities for Giving

Casa Maria will meet this Friday at 6 pm. in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed – the volunteers can always use a few eggstra hands and SHELLED hard-boiled eggs. Join them for fellowship and to help with this good work.

Altar Guild: Do you feel there could be something more that you could offer to God and your church other than your monetary stewardship? Consider joining the Altar Guild! The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing those things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and the observance of other Sacraments of the church. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

Mark Your Calendar! Gaslight Theater - Sunday February 8th at 3 PM ~ Stay Tuned!