Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lenten and Holy Week Schedule 2009

Mondays 7:30 am Morning Prayer
5:30 pm Mass (For Nuclear Disarmament)
6:00 pm Fr. Ireland’s Old Testament Bible Study beginning with book of Genesis. Light supper (begins Monday, March 1)

8:05 am - Primary School Mass

12:10 - Healing Mass with Laying on of Hands followed by Stations of the Cross
6:00 pm – Evening Prayer followed by “Upcoming Current Lectionary Readings Study” facilitated by Peter Schmidt. Light refreshments.

9:30 am - Upper Grades School Mass
9:00 am - Opportunity for Service – “Poz Café” – Thursday March 19

6:00 pm - Opportunity for Service – March 13th: Casa Maria, Parish Center

8:15 am - Morning Prayer
8:30 am – Mass

7:45 am - Mass with Homily
9:00 am - Family Mass
10:15 am - High Mass with Sermon
5:00 pm - Mass with Homily


April 5

Palm Sunday

7:45 AM - Mass with Homily

10:15 AM - High Mass

5:00 AM - Mass with Homily

April 6


5:30 PM -Low Mass (for nuclear disarmament)

April 7


7:30 AM - Morning Prayer

8:10 AM - Mass

April 8


12:10 PM - Healing Mass

With Laying on of Hands followed by Stations of the Cross

7:00 PM - Tenebrae Service-Church

April 9

Maundy Thursday

7:00 PM - Parish Center - Liturgy of the Word,

Institution of the Lord’s Supper with Sermon

Procession to the Altar of Repose, stripping of

Altars and the beginning of The Watch at 9:00 pm

April 10

Good Friday

11:00 AM - Confessions

Noon – to 3:00 PM- Tres Oras Service

Scripture Meditation on Passion of Christ

5:00 PM - Casa Maria – Parish Center

7:00 PM – Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday

Fast until after The Vigil

April 11

Holy Saturday

8:30 AM – Liturgy of The Day

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Confessions

7:00 PM – The Great Vigil Of Easter

The Service Of Light, holy Baptism

and The First High Mass of Easter


We will break the fast and celebrate in the

Parish Center with the newly baptized following the Mass

The Sunday of

the Resurrection

Easter Day

7:45 AM - Mass with Homily

9:00 AM - Family Mass

9:45 AM - Sunday School and Child and Child Care

10:15 AM - HIGH MASS with Sermon

Announcements for Week Ending February 29, 2009


Fr. Ireland’s Monday Evening Lenten Bible Study - Monday March 2 is the first Bible Study beginning with the book of Genesis and is immediately following the 5:30 PM Mass. The Bible Study will continue on the Mondays thru Lent and will take place in the Parish Center and will include a light supper. All are Welcome.

The Messenger newsletter is now available online! Click here for the February issue. COPY DUE DATE for the APRIL issue is Wednesday, March 18th. Please submit your article to church@stmichael.net or bring it to the church office.

LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY - There will be no LECTIONARY STUDY on Ash Wednesday. The study will resume on Wednesday March 4th beginning with evening prayer at 6 PM followed by Lectionary Readings Study at 6:30 pm. Join us for lively discussion and study of the next Sunday’s readings. Facilitated by Peter Schmidt. The group will meet each Wednesday for evening prayer and bible study. The Study will take Place in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited and urged to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes - Mark another date: 6 PM this Tuesday, February 24. Prepare for Lent with a big meal of pancakes and all the trimmings. Donations of syrup, butter and sausage are welcome. “Pancake flippers” and other support are encouraged. Questions: call Al DeAugustine.

Mark the date: Saturday, March 7th – 8:00 am to 3:30 pm for the Annual Episcopal Diocese of Arizona’s 2009 Ministry Fair. This year the Ministry Fair is larger than ever. Due to this expansion, the Ministry Fair will be held at Washington High School in north central Phoenix close to the freeway. There are a record numbers of offerings including everything from workshops for new Vestry members, to the latest proven techniques for youth work and stewardship. The deadline for registration was February 10th, but late entries may be possible if you act now. (There is childcare for children of the participants but does require pre-registration.) Brochures and registration forms are available in the Church office.

St. Michael's has a Facebook group! If you or a loved one is on Facebook, please consider joining. Help us connect with the next generation of St. Michael's parishioners!

Keep up with the parish and Fr. Smith on Twitter.com. Sign-up and then “follow” Fr. Smith (wa7iic) and the activities of our parish (smallangels). Or just watch the twitter feed on the sidebar of this very page! Feel connected, involved, and able to pray for the ministry of our parish in real time. Check it out!

Opportunities for Giving

St. Michael’s will co-host TIHAN’s (Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network) POZ Café on Thursday March 19. Volunteers are needed for preparing and serving the meal that day (8:30 am – 2:30 pm). We will also be collecting toiletries for distribution to TIHAN clients who are unable to work.

St. Michael’s school is looking for volunteers to help with lunch and playground duties, particularly on Mondays and Tuesdays. Assisting with lunch takes place from 11:30am to 12:30pm and simply involves hand out or serving food to the children. Playground supervision extends to 1 pm and requires keeping an eye on the children in the park behind the school. Volunteers may serve in pairs or alternate sharing a position if that is easier. Both positions provide a chance to get to know the wonderful children at our Parish School!

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes is this Friday, February 27th at 6:30 PM. Join us for great fun and fellowship. Get to know your fellow parishioners. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Announcements for Week Ending February 22, 2009


Episcopal Church Women - St. Michael’s E.C.W. will meet Wednesday, February 18th beginning at 10:30 AM in the Parish Center. All women are invited and are urged to attend.

The Messenger newsletter is now available online! Click here for the February issue. COPY DUE DATE for the MARCH issue is this Wednesday, February 18th. Please submit your article to church@stmichael.net or bring it to the church office.

LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY - MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 beginning with evening prayer at 6 PM followed by Lectionary Bible Study at 6:30 pm. Join us for lively discussion and study of the next Sunday’s readings. Facilitated by Peter Schmidt. The group will meet each Wednesday for evening prayer and bible study. The Bible Study will take Place in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited and urged to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes - Mark another date: 6 PM Tuesday, February 24. Prepare for Lent with a big meal of pancakes and all the trimmings. Donations of syrup, butter and sausage are welcome. “Pancake flippers” and other support are encouraged. Questions: call Al DeAugustine.

Mark the date: Saturday, March 7th – 8:00 am to 3:30 pm for the Annual Episcopal Diocese of Arizona’s 2009 Ministry Fair. This year the Ministry Fair is larger than ever. Due to this expansion, the Ministry Fair will be held at Washington High School in north central Phoenix close to the freeway. There are a record numbers of offerings including everything from workshops for new Vestry members, to the latest proven techniques for youth work and stewardship. The deadline for registration is no later than February 10th. (There is childcare for children of the participants but does require pre-registration) Brochures and registration forms are available in the Church office.

St. Michael's has a Facebook group! If you or a loved one is on Facebook, please consider joining. Help us connect with the next generation of St. Michael's parishioners!

Keep up with the parish and Fr. Smith on Twitter.com. Sign-up and then “follow” Fr. Smith (wa7iic) and the activities of our parish (smallangels). Or just watch the twitter feed on the sidebar of this very page! Feel connected, involved, and able to pray for the ministry of our parish in real time. Check it out!

Opportunities for Giving

SAT. Feb. 21, 9 a.m. -- Social Action Committee meets over coffee in the Parish Center, following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Everyone is welcome, with a voice and, if needed, a vote. Father Harnsberger will report on the recent "Border Issues" clergy retreat led by Fr. Seth Polley that looked at conditions on both sides of the border in Cochise County. We'll also continue to plan for Lenten activities, look at Diocesan "Program Groups," and begin to discuss how we can best serve in this time of economic insecurity. Agenda items: Peggy Van Norman, htfqueen@aol.com, 721-8559.

SUN. Feb 22, 3-4:45 p.m. -- St. Michael's Guatemala Project holds a preliminary information meeting for people interested in joining the Project's summer teams to work alongside Mayan health workers in rural Guatemala. Woods Library meeting room, 3455 N. First Avenue. It would be WONDERFUL to have Parish representation again this year. Please join us at the meeting. Ila Abernathy, 623-3063, ilaa@mindspring.com.

MON. Feb 23, 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. -- Latin America Network hosts Border Patrol Agent Albert Fresquez, who will talk about work in the Tucson Sector – visual presentation, discussion, questions. Expect to hear about BP training, 2008 data, personal experiences, etc. St. Michael's Ila Abernathy facilitates. Everyone welcome. Light refreshments. Ward VI Council Office, 3202 E. 1st St, Community Meeting Room / Gallery. – enter through rear door.

St. Michael’s will co-host TIHAN’s (Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network) POZ Café on Thursday March 19. Volunteers are needed for preparing and serving the meal that day (8:30 am – 2:30 pm). We will also be collecting toiletries for distribution to TIHAN clients who are unable to work.

Casa Maria Schedule 2009

Come help us prepare meals for Casa Maria.
All dates are Friday evenings.
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 5
July 3
July 31
August 28
September 25
October 23
November 20
December 18

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

PLEASE NOTE the date of the Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes has been changed to Friday, February 27th at 6:30 PM. Join us for great fun and fellowship. Get to know your fellow parishioners. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

The Love Boat - An Announcement from St. Michael’s Parish Day School

Our spring event - THE LOVE BOAT – is approaching. We set sail April 18. Our dinner auction will be as successful as the support it receives from its community. Everyone can play a role. We want and need your support. Please consider underwriting a portion of the auction such as decorations or wine, helping solicit donations from area businesses, or volunteering your services on one of our many committees.
Enjoy the thrill of making this benefit the most memorable ever!

Call Lila Duffy at 722-8478. THANK YOU!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Announcements for Week Ending February 15, 2009


CASA MARIA WILL MEET THIS FRIDAY at 6 PM in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is greatly needed – the volunteers can always use a few “eggstra” hands and shelled hard boiled eggs. Bring a friend and join us to help with this good work. Please bring a cardboard box with you. We need boxes to transport the lunches to Casa Maria.

KNITTERS, QUILTERS AND CROCHETTERS ARE INVITED to gather with your craft this Saturday at 11:00 AM in the Parish Center. Bring a sack lunch and join us – you may make a new friend!

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
We have Valentine's
Candy for you!

We have extra boxes of Angel Food candy. How about treating someone with St. Michael’s angel food on Valentine’s Day? Candy is available in the church office for only $12.00 a box.

You are invited to
St. Michael's 5th annual

Valentine's Day Dinner
Saturday, February 14
6 PM - Parish Center

Suggested donation
$10/per person.


Zuppa - Minestrone
Insalata - Mixed Greens
Platto Principale - Penne San Miguel
Dessert - Special Treat
Bevanda - Vino, Caffe, Acqua

Mark your calendar for the upcoming Valentine Dinner. Make your reservation by filling in the Valentine Dinner Menu card (with the Heart of St. Michael’s info), and place in the collection basket or bring it to the church office no later than
Monday, February 9.

Barnabas – Friendship Fellowship Luncheon - Mark your calendar for Monday, February 16th at 11:30 AM in the Parish Center. The lunch will catered by “JOY”. The cost is only $10.00. Won’t you join us for good food, good friends and great fellowship?
Sign-up sheets in the back of church.

The Messenger newsletter is now available online! Click here for the February issue. COPY DUE DATE for the MARCH issue is Wednesday, February 18th. Please submit your article to church@stmichael.net or bring it to the church office.

LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY - MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 beginning with evening prayer at 6 PM followed by Lectionary Bible Study at 6:30 pm. Join us for lively discussion and study of the next Sunday’s readings. Facilitated by Peter Schmidt. The group will meet each Wednesday for evening prayer and bible study. The Bible Study will take Place in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited and urged to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes - Mark another date: 6 PM Tuesday, February 24. Prepare for Lent with a big meal of pancakes and all the trimmings. Donations of syrup, butter and sausage are welcome. “Pancake flippers” and other support are encouraged. Questions: call Al DeAugustine.

Mark the date: Saturday, March 7th – 8:00 am to 3:30 pm for the Annual Episcopal Diocese of Arizona’s 2009 Ministry Fair. This year the Ministry Fair is larger than ever. Due to this expansion, the Ministry Fair will be held at Washington High School in north central Phoenix close to the freeway. There are a record numbers of offerings including everything from workshops for new Vestry members, to the latest proven techniques for youth work and stewardship. The deadline for registration is no later than February 10th. (There is childcare for children of the participants but does require pre-registration) Brochures and registration forms are available in the Church office.

St. Michael's has a Facebook group! If you or a loved one is on Facebook, please consider joining. Help us connect with the next generation of St. Michael's parishioners!

Opportunities for Giving

Casa Maria Schedule 2009

Come help us prepare meals for Casa Maria.
All dates are Friday evenings.
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 5
July 3
July 31
August 28
September 25
October 23
November 20
December 18

LAST CALL FOR EPIPHANY GIFTS FOR PRIMAVERA - The response for donations has been wonderful. Our treasure chest is still available for those who would like to donate warm clothing, new socks and underwear, blankets, and sleeping bags to help homeless men, women, and families throughout this winter season. Toiletries are also needed. The Primavera chest will be available through today (Sunday, February 8th).

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

PLEASE NOTE the date of the Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes has been changed to Friday, February 27th at 6:30 PM. Join us for great fun and fellowship. Get to know your fellow parishioners. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

Photo of the Week

Making sandwiches for Casa Maria, August 2008.
Photo by Sue Peyron.

See more of Sue's photos on the St. Michael's Arts blog. Reminder: if you use or repost any of the photos from these sites, please credit the photographer. Thanks!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Announcements for Week Ending February 8, 2009


The Messenger newsletter is now available online! Click here for the February issue. COPY DUE DATE for the MARCH issue is Wednesday, February 18th. Please submit your article to church@stmichael.net or bring it to the church office.

Mark the date: Saturday, March 7th – 8:00 am to 3:30 pm for the Annual Episcopal Diocese of Arizona’s 2009 Ministry Fair. This year the Ministry Fair is larger than ever. Due to this expansion, the Ministry Fair will be held at Washington High School in north central Phoenix close to the freeway. There are a record numbers of offerings including everything from workshops for new Vestry members, to the latest proven techniques for youth work and stewardship. The deadline for registration is no later than February 10th. (There is childcare for children of the participants but does require pre-registration) Brochures and registration forms are available in the Church office.

Congratulations to the newly elected members of St. Michael and All Angels
Vestry. Debbie D’Amore was appointed Senior Warden. Janet Berry, Al DeAugustine, Michael Leeming and Lisa Sharp were elected vestry members. Proscovia King, Steve Larsen. Paulette O’Malley, Les Stephens and Alex Wright were elected as delegates to the Diocesan Convention.

Our sincere gratitude to the members of the Vestry who have served their respective terms: Peter Schmidt, Ron Edwards, Joyce Tracy and Diane Vail. We thank you for giving of your time and talents for the betterment of St. Michael and All Angels Parish.

DIOCESAN PROGRAM GROUPS - If you did not get a chance to sign up for a diocesan program group last Sunday, there is still time. The information sheets are available in the back of the church. Please read and complete the blue form. Deposit the form in the “pine box” labeled “Diocesan Program Groups. For more information please contact Fr. Smith or Julia Taylor.

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
We have Valentine's
Candy for you!

We have extra boxes of Angel Food candy. How about treating someone with St. Michael’s angel food on Valentine’s Day? Candy is available in the church office for only $12.00 a box.

You are invited to
St. Michael's 5th annual

Valentine's Day Dinner
Saturday, February 14
6 PM - Parish Center

Suggested donation
$10/per person.


Zuppa - Minestrone
Insalata - Mixed Greens
Platto Principale - Penne San Miguel
Dessert - Special Treat
Bevanda - Vino, Caffe, Acqua

Mark your calendar for the upcoming Valentine Dinner. Make your reservation by filling in the Valentine Dinner Menu card (with the Heart of St. Michael’s info), and place in the collection basket or bring it to the church office no later than Monday, February 9.

St. Michael's has a Facebook group! If you or a loved one is on Facebook, please consider joining. Help us connect with the next generation of St. Michael's parishioners!

Opportunities for Giving

Casa Maria Schedule 2009

Come help us prepare meals for Casa Maria.
All dates are Friday evenings.
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 5
July 3
July 31
August 28
September 25
October 23
November 20
December 18

EPIPHANY GIFTS FOR PRIMAVERA - our treasure chest is now available for those who would like to donate warm clothing, new socks and underwear, blankets, and sleeping bags to help homeless men, women, and families throughout this winter season. Toiletries are also needed. The Primavera chest will be available through Sunday, February 15.

Parish Life is Growing -
When Will We See You?

PLEASE NOTE the date of the Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes has been changed to Friday, February 27th at 6:30 PM. Join us for great fun and fellowship. Get to know your fellow parishioners. Sign up sheet in the back of church.