Saturday, January 08, 2011

A Message from Father Smith re Gabrielle Giffords


Dear Friends:  Terri called me this morning after I visited TMC and told me about the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and many others.  I share your shock at this tragedy so close to home.  Let us pray for the repose of the souls of all those who lost their lives this morning and for their families, as well as those wounded by the attacker.  Violent acts are never a solution to any of our problems.  At Meditation group this morning we had a guest monk from our local Buddhist community.  He talked of peace beginning within each of us and expanding out to others and the need to not let anything or anyone take away this peace.  At this point the news appears optimistic for Gabby.  Terri and I will continue to join you all in our prayers.  Peace and Love,  John+


In response to the Saturday tragedy, St. Michael’s Parish, St. Michael’s Parish Day School and all interested people are invited to walk “The Labyrinth” and begin the healing process of the nation. The meditation will begin at 10:30 am this Saturday and continue until further notice.
Peace †

(Pictured: Gabrielle Giffords at a town hall meeting in 2009. Photo by KFB)