Bishop Smith’s Visitation
Today (Sunday November 20th) is The Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of Pentecost and the last Sunday of the Church year. Services will be held at 7:45 AM, 9:30 AM, and 5 PM. Family Mass, Solemn High Service. The Rt. Rev Kirk S. Smith will celebrate this Mass and Confirm and Receive new members in the Episcopal Church. A “Sunday Brunch” will follow Mass in the Parish Center.
Social Action Committee holds its regular meeting today, November 20, at 11:30 AM in the Womble Library, after you have had a chance to meet and greet the Bishop and the newly confirmed. All
welcome as we talk about the use of YOUR special collection donations. Agenda items - Peggy Van Norman.
Our Annual Thanksgiving Mass and Communal Dinner will take place Thursday, November 24 beginning with Mass at 10:30 AM followed by Thanksgiving dinner in the Parish Center. Turkey & dressing, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole will be provided, just bring a dish to share. Sign-up sheets are located in the back of church. Join us for good food, warm friendship and fellowship.
Advent International Bazaar needs YOU – December 3 (evening) and 4th. Sign up to help with refreshments, sit a table, help with set-up and more. Parish Artists, still time to sign up for a table. ALL, if you know or work with a worthy, socially-committed non-profit that would like to come and sell its stuff, please call or e-mail Ila now.*
“JUST COFFEE” volunteers are needed to sell JUST COFFEE after each of the services, with a particular need for after the 7:45 AM service. Coffee sales benefit two struggling communities in Mexico, delivering greater profits to them than even fair trade coffee does. It is a very easy job requiring only a small amount of your time. To volunteer, please call or email Suzanne Petersen.*
The Rev. Joel T. Ireland will be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of his ordination on December 11, 2011. If anyone would like to contribute a monetary gift in thanksgiving of his ordination to the priesthood, please place in an envelope indicating anniversary gift for Fr. Ireland and simply drop in the collection, mail to the Parish Office or drop off at the office. All the Best and Congratulations to Fr. Ireland!
We are in the process of updating our church member photo directory, which will be linked to our Web site, accessible online, and password protected. Members will be able to log in, view, and even print the directory. In order to complete this project, your help is needed. Photo shoots began on Sunday, November 6th and continues. Have your picture taken TODAY!!
St. Michael’s School Food Drive comes to a close on Monday, November 21st. At that time we need help in stocking the Food Pantry. Stocking takes place Monday at 9 AM and usually takes one – two hours. Please join us! Men are especially welcome and needed.
*Contact details are in the church bulletin and can be obtained from the Church office.
Opportunities for Giving
Remember to return your Christmas gifts for TIHAN to the Parish Office. Gift suggestions are located on the bulletin board outside the church doors.
On the First Sunday of Advent, November 27th,
Angel Tree tags will be available for pick-up from the Christmas tree at the back of church. Please be sure to sign the sheet on the usher’s table so that we will know what children’s names have been taken. More info in next Sunday’s Service bulletin.
The 14th Annual Fr. Smith’s Pantano Rotary Shoebox Project is underway bringing joy to children in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. These children live in makeshift houses on hillsides around Nogales. Many of these household have no one employed. This is a THREE-NATION effort. 600-800 or more filled shoeboxes – infants through 12 years and 500 blankets. Warm mittens, caps, toys, etc can fill the wrapped shoe box with top lid NOT attached to the bottom, border inspection. Blankets may be new or used and if used must be dry cleaned (leave cleaning tag attached). Shoeboxes need to be returned to the Parish Office no later than Tuesday, December 6. Blankets need to rolled like a bedroll and tied with twine or ribbon. More information in back of church.
Stewardship by the numbers!
The mission of St. Michael and All Angels is simple, but takes a resolve that requires every baptized person in our church to accomplish. St. Michael’s mission is to bring the Gospel to the poor and marginalized, by people strengthened in that effort by worship, preaching, and inspiring music, and provide through our parish school a place where children are invited to explore a life in the Spirit.
Each individual’s stewardship enables this mission to be carried out day by day. This is enabled and flows from our relationship with God deepened by a personal prayer-life, Word, and Sacrament. This relationship with God, growing in the heart of each baptized person among us, is the “Pearl of great price” that a person gives everything they have to acquire!
The mission of St. Michaels needs everyone’s gifts and talents. Where to begin? We begin with biblical teaching. The Bible speaks of setting aside a tithe, or ten percent, to offer in thanksgiving to God for the gift of life and sustenance we receive. Since the mission extends beyond the walls of the church to many good works in the world, a suggested formula might help: Determine how much we live on every month, take ten percent of that amount and give half of it to the church’s mission and the other half to those other good causes or needs that present themselves to us. Keeping this proportion in mind as a starting point will ensure that we will always have enough to live on and, most importantly, increase the Joy and Peace that flows from a life lived for God.
Please remember to bring to Mass or mail your estimate of giving for the coming year to strengthen the mission of our parish. Stewardship is the Pathway to Joy!