Monday, August 13, 2012

Announcements for Week ending August 18th

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will be starting up again on Wednesday, September 5th at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center. All ladies are welcome. We will begin with a review and video before moving on. Space is still available for any interested ladies.

√ St. Michael’s Contemplative Prayer Group is organizing to begin again on Saturday, September 8. We will meet 9:30 – 11:00 am each Saturday in Our Lady of The Desert House of Prayer, north of the church. Parking is on the west side of the house. Come join the group and learn about Christian meditation and enjoy a short social time together. You will find it relaxing, peaceful and rewarding.

√ The summer is hot and STILL the need is great. St. Michael’s Food Pantry is running low on: SOUP, peanut butter, juices, fruit, tuna fish, pork & beans and cereal. We continue to be grateful for your generous donations to the pantry for those less fortunate. Donate only if your circumstances will allow.

√ Mark your Calendars! August 15 ~ Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin. Mass at 6 PM followed by “Pot Luck” Dinner. Bring dish to share and join us for food, friends and fellowship.  Sign-up Sheets in back of church.

√ Would you be interested in traveling by van to Phoenix for a baseball game? Diamond Backs vs Chicago Cubs on Saturday, September 29th.  The van is a 28 – person van provided by Arizona Shuttle service. The cost would be $25 person, plus the cost of your game tickets. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of church for “interest only”. We need to know if anyone would like to participate in this fun evening. Stay tuned.