Friday, March 15, 2013

Announcements through March 24th

ECW women will meet this Wednesday, March 20 in the Parish Center at 10:30 AM. All ladies of the parish are considered members of Episcopal Church Women and are invited to attend.

Taize Service of Meditation will take place this Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 6:45 pm in church. All are invited to take forty-five minutes out of our busy-ness and spend some time in meditation as we are drawing close to Holy Week. 

The Last Lenten Soup Supper will be held Wednesday during Lent at 6:30 PM at the House of Prayer. We will be viewing the movie “The Passion of Christ” by Mel Gibson.
You are invited for a simple soup supper and then watch segments of the film discussing Jesus response to the violence done to him. The sessions are preceded by Evening Prayer at 6 PM.

COLLECTION FOR EASTER FLOWERS - please include your donation in the envelope in your pledge card box or make certain your donation is clearly marked for “flowers” and place in the offering basket.

Please note: The Saint Jerome Writing Group will now meet twice monthly, that is on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. The March meetings will be on the 12th and 26th in the Womble Library at 10AM.

St. Michael’s Guatemala Project has issued its “Call for Summer Team Volunteers” and is now accepting applications. Contact Ila Abernathy, 623-3063, , for details. Basic information is on the table in the back of church. We are also hoping to add an option for a shorter-term, less wildly rigorous delegation in this, our 29th year of association with rural Maya in Guatemala.  Contact Ila if you are interested in being part of a delegation.

Did you know you can read Morning and Evening Prayer on your smartphone? Get the Mission St. Clare app for android. Added bonus is a brief sermon on the saint of the day?............On Facebook? A great site, Unapologetically Episcopalian, will send you daily the bios and collects from the new Holy Men, Holy Women adjunct to the Prayer Book as well as links to You tube performances of hymns and anthems by church and college choirs...The website of The Society of Saint John the Evangelist offers daily meditations for Lent.......It is not too late to join the Forward Movement's instructive site of church history. At you learn about two saints daily and get to vote for one each weekday.


Would you not watch with
me for one hour?”

Two people are needed at each half hour for the Watch before the Altar of Repose. The Sign-up sheet is in the back of the church. Please indicate the time and date by placing your name in the appropriate area.