Saturday, January 10, 2015

Announcements Through January 17th

Contemplative Prayer meets this Saturday at the usual time, 9:30 am at the Our Lady of the
Desert House of Prayer north of the church parking lot.  All are invited to attend.

AT 6:30 PM For Dinner
Lotus Garden
5975 Speedway ~ just west of Wilmot
Reservation sheets in back of church

Epiphany Gifts for Primavera - During the first 6 weeks of Epiphany, please fill the treasure chest in the back of the Church with new socks and underwear, toiletries, and new or gently used gloves, hats or caps, sweatshirts, jackets, and sweaters, for distribution to Tucson’s homeless population by Primavera shelter and other programs. Hold the frankincense and myrrh. Primavera Foundation will be happy to accept your gold at any time.

Our Women's Church Ministries/ECW group will be meeting on January 21, 2015, at10:30 AM in the Parish Center.  Margaret Savage will be our very entertaining guest speaker.  We will also be discussing the WCM Southeast Gathering which we will be hosting on February 21, 2015.  This will be an important meeting.  Please join us.  Everyone welcome.

Mark your calendar for St. Michael’s Annual Parish Meeting which will take place at the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday, January 19th.  Please note there will be ONE Mass on this day. A Special Brunch will follow the Mass and meeting in the Parish Center. (donations graciously accepted to help defray the cost of food).  This is a very important parish function with Vestry election and various parish reports. We need your input and support.