Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Social Action Announcements for 1/17/16

SUNDAY, 1/17 - take a mini-trip to Guatemala during coffee hour following 10:15 a.m. Mass., beginning at 12:10, after you’ve had time to socialize.  A few photos, brief overview, and time for questions about the Lenten Journey, February 23 - March 2 (optional extension to March 9). Great for people just curious, as well as those contemplating the journey. Snacks provided. Need more information but can’t stay?  Contact coordinator Ila, 623-3063,, or pick up a leaflet in the back of the Church.

SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE meets briefly Sunday after 10:15 a.m. Mass in the Womble Library, beginning 5 minutes after the Postlude concludes.  Agenda includes questions from the Search Committee about how the committee might function as we continue with transition. We’ll also talk about further interaction with the Islamic Center, and a possible modification to the "prophetic" sign. Everyone welcome to participate. We are an open, consensus-driven committee.

MON. JAN 18, MLK Day Freedom Singalong with Ted Warmbrand, TEMPLE EMANUEL. 225 N Country Club, 3-5 PM.  Information, ITZABOUTIME 623 1688.

WED. JAN 20, 6:30 to 8 p.m., our Eastside neighbor, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, cordially invites us to an immigration forum with Fr. Sean Carroll, S.J., of Kino Border Initiative. Larry Waggoner of St. Matthew’s vestry asks especially that a few Episcopalians with prior savvy re these issues come, as his parish begins to learn about the Arizona border and immigration. 9071 E. Old Spanish Trail. Directions, information: Larry Waggoner, 520-329-9739.

Needed: Frequent Flier miles to donate for Parishioners and others going on the Lenten Journey to Guatemala. United, American, or Delta. Best schedules presently on American. Please contact Guatemala Project Coordinator Ila, 623-3063,, and she will connect you with someone who needs them. Felipe Molina, long-term Yoeme (Yaqui) supporter of the Project, would like to go and needs this support.