Friday, April 29, 2016

Casa Maria, Stewardship University, and Other Announcements

From: Nancy Vernon
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:20 PM
To: "St. Michael's Church"

Dear Parishioners,

Canon Dombeck will bring his nationally recognized Stewardship University to St. Michael's on Saturday, May 7, from 9:30 am to 3:00 PM.

His work is invaluable for leaders and parishioners at the crucial juncture in St. Michael's history - to see stewardship as our giving thanks to God. He creates a strong sense of community in addressing one of the most taboo and emotionally charged topic in our

He deals with the practicalities on how to address stewardship, estate planning and giving people the opportunity to give of their abundance to their church and parish as thanksgiving to God for our abundant life.

We encourage all vestry members, members of the nominating committee and those in leadership positions to attend.

We also highly endorse this high energy and engaging experience as a valuable educational, transformative, spiritual opportunity for all parishioners.

Lunch will be catered by Chef Andy with a suggested donation of $15, which will help defray the cost of food. Your generosity​ is greatly appreciated.


John Hsieh, Senior Warden

RIchard Mallory, Interim Rector


Casa Maria sandwich making is tonight, Friday, April 29th in the Smith Parish Center. The kitchen opens at 5 PM; come anytime after that! Please bring 1 or 2 dozen hard cooked, peeled eggs.

Please bring medium sized boxes for transporting the lunches. Fruit boxes from Costco or banana boxes are ideal. BYRON will deliver the sandwiches. (Thanks to KARL for April First!)

Casa Maria is every 4 weeks...
April 29th
May 27th
June 24th
July 22
Aug 19th
Sept 16th
Oct 14th
Nov 11th
Dec 9th
Jan 6th 2017


Attention All Altar Guild members. St. Margaret’s Altar Guild will meet on Saturday, May 14th at 10 AM.  Please make plans to attend this important meeting.  To who may have wondered just how the Altar Guild serves St. Michael’s, or perhaps you have even thought you might want to help in some way, you are invited to attend this meeting. Light refreshments will be served.

Last year's "Meals from Mom" drive was a big success!

The “Meals from Mom” food drive began last weekend. Celebrate Mother’s Day this year by donating a bag of groceries for the needy in honor of, or in memory of your mother.  Remember to get your grocery bag from in back of church or from an usher. Return the filled bag on Mother’s Day ~ May 8th or sooner. P.S. we are completely out of Mac and Cheese and a local grocer has peanut butter on sale!

Our Ministry Portfolio is in the Bishop’s Office

Thanks to the Nominating Committee (NC), chaired by Ohia Hodges, for passing a significant milestone in submitting our Ministry Portfolio  to Mo. Megan Traquair, Canon of the Ordinary. The document is based on the inputs the NC collected from all of you on your discoveries and dreams for our future, and was approved by the Vestry. The Bishop’s Office will post this document for all potential aspirants for being our new Rector to see. Please thank the NC for their past hard work and for their willingness to face the coming intense challenges to produce three candidates for the Vestry to choose the best new Rector for us! Please keep on praying!

The portfolio is also on our website.

Just a reminder to E.C.W. members.~ We are in the process of producing a new and current St. Michael’s E.C.W. directory. To be included in the directory, please make sure your dues are paid. We thank you for your kind attention in this matter.

Sunday, May 15th, The Day of Pentecost is the day to return your “United Thank Offering” gift. Your gift may be either a check or your container of change saved.
Extra envelopes are located on the ushers table in the back of church.


Episcopal schools throughout the USA have a tradition of excellence in education in a setting that promotes diversity, academics, and spiritual growth.  If you have or know children who will be in grades K-8 in the coming year, it’s not too late to come by and tour St. Michael's School located at 602 N. Wilmot.  We are here to provide potential parents with information about how a balanced Episcopal school education is the right match for so many of our children.  For more information please contact Paul Pierce, Director of Admissions, at 722-8478 ext 259, or email:

Taizé Service is this Tuesday, May 3rd at 6:45 pm. You are invited to join us and bring a friend. You will be glad you did.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This Weekend...Car Wash, Rummage Sale, and the Sierra Club Presentation!

Mark your Calendar!  Boy Scout Troop #122 will be having a CAR WASH and RUMMAGE SALE - THIS Saturday, April 23 beginning at 7 AM in the North Parking Lot at St. Michael’s. We need your cars for washing and gently used items. Collect your gently used items and deliver them to the North Parking Lot on Friday, April 22nd from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM. The Boy Scouts thank you for your help!

Social Action Committee meets Sunday, April 24, in the Womble Library following 10:15 Mass. Every one welcome as we plan activities for the next few months. Agenda items: Peggy Van Norman. 

Attend the environmental presentation "From Border Walls to Border Lands" with Dan Millis of the Sierra Club's Borderlands Program, this Saturday, April 23. 9 AM coffee will be followed by a 9:30 AM program with stunning visuals, new perceptions on the border. ​FOR IMPORTANT DETAILS, SEE BELOW!

Have a wonderful weekend,



You’re needed to greet our guests!

We’ve invited the community to join us this Saturday, April 23 ,9 AM at the Smith Parish Center, for a visual, informative look at environment and border lands with Dan Millis, Coordinator of Sierra Club’s Borderlands Program since 2008. Coffee and conversation start at 9 AM, program at 9:30.

Grace-St. Paul’s is helping promote the event. Calendar releases and e-invites have gone out.

Now we need you! It isn’t just that we are hosts. This will be an excellent program, informative and factual, painlessly educational, with a succinct Power Point and stupendous visuals, and opportunity for discussion and questions.

If you can help by bringing coffee hour treats, or helping set up or serve, or being a greeter, please call or e-mail Ila, You are really, really needed!

Perfect pairing with the Boy Scout car wash / rummage sale. Come check out the “reuse and recycle” items, then pay the Boy Scouts to spiffy up your car while you enjoy coffee and the program.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Border Walls to Border Lands - April 23rd at 9 AM

“From Border Walls to Border Lands: Environmental Impacts of U.S. Border Policy,” an interactive visual presentation by Dan Millis, Sierra Club Borderlands Program coordinator, takes place Saturday, April 23, 9 a.m. at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 602 N. Wilmot Road (at 5th Street), in the Smith Parish Center. Admission is free.

The activity opens with coffee and other refreshments, informal conversation, and exhibits. Millis’ presentation, which covers international boundaries from San Diego to Brownsville, with a focus on Arizona, begins at 9:30 and will end around 10:30. Planners say to expect surprises as participants rethink how they visualize borders.

Grace-St. Paul’s Green Committee and St. Michael’s Social Action Committee co-sponsor the event one day after Earth Day. They remind of the spiritual responsibility, as acknowledged in an Episcopal Eucharistic prayer, to respect and cherish “this fragile earth, our island home” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 370).

Information: St. Michael’s Social Action (520) 623-3063);

A concurrent car wash and rummage sale by Boy Scout Troop 122 begins outside at the same location at 7 AM, North parking lot. Come and check out the bargains, then arrange to get your car washed!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending April 16, 2016


Fr. Jeffrey Reed is at home recuperating from last Friday’s surgery. He is doing well and expects to once again be celebrating Mass at St. Michael’s. 

Margaret Harnsberger is at Handmaker, (for rehab and expects to be there approximately two weeks. (If I know Margaret… will be less than two weeks).

PLEASE NOTE!  In order to comply with St. Michael’s graveyard standards, the Junior Warden requests that the many faded bouquets that decorate the graves be removed. Bouquets of flowers, natural or artificial, should not exceed 5” x 5” x 5”, and, as part of routine maintenance, they will be removed when they start to fade. Thank you for your cooperation and prompt action in this matter.
A Sweet Deal
A limited supply of our Angel Food Candy is still available - for half price! It will be on sale in the Parish Center TODAY, April 10th, during coffee hour. (Volunteers are needed to sell the candy during the 10:15 AM Mass and after Mision San Miguel.) A box of our delicious toffee is only $7 on sale. The "crumbles" of nuts and coconut, perfect as a topping on ice cream and cereal, is only 50 cents! If you miss the sale, just stop by the church office this week. Thanks!

Bishop Smith has designated THIS Sunday, April 10, as Alleluia Fund Sunday throughout the Diocese. On that day, churches and parishioners are asked to support the Alleluia Fund for the important work of planting new Episcopal congregations in Arizona, as well as supporting existing congregations with special grants to help them grow. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity. There will be more information about the Alleluia Fund available today, or you can visit the Alleluia Fund webpage at:

Mark your Calendar!  Boy Scout Troop #122 will be having a CAR WASH and RUMMAGE SALE on Saturday, April 23 beginning at 7am in the North Parking Lot at St. Michael’s. We need your cars for washing and gently used items. Collect your gently used items and deliver them to the North Parking Lot on Friday, April 22nd from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM. The Boy Scouts thank you for your help!

Parish Life is celebrating Cinco De Mayo a little earlier…

Join us on Thursday, April 28th at 6:30pm
La Parilla Suiza
5602 E. Speedway (just east of Craycroft)

Vamos de fiesta!

(sign-up sheets in back of church)

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending April 9th, 2016

Did you know? ..........

The Discretionary Fund at St. Michael's is used for many things - assistance to people in need, expenses for church events, and other urgent expenses at the Rector's discretion. When donations for church events, such as the Maundy Thursday meal, do not cover food costs, we lack the resources to help people in crisis. Please help us replenish this important account.  Thank you!

Mark your Calendar!  Boy Scout Troop #122 will be having a CAR WASH and RUMMAGE SALE on Saturday, April 23 beginning at 7 AM in the North Parking Lot at St. Michael’s. Stay tuned for more info…. We need your cars for washing and gently used items.


Bishop Smith has designated next Sunday, April 10, as Alleluia Fund Sunday throughout the Diocese. On that day, churches and parishioners are asked to support the Alleluia Fund for the important work of planting new Episcopal congregations in Arizona, as well as supporting existing congregations with special grants to help them grow. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity. There will be more information about the Alleluia Fund available next Sunday, or you can visit the Alleluia Fund webpage at:

Parish Life is celebrating Cinco De Mayo a little earlier…

Join us on Thursday, April 28th at 6:30pm
La Parilla Suiza
5602 E. Speedway (just east of Craycroft)

Vamos de fiesta!

Guatemala Project Coffee & Conversation - Saturday April 9

Greetings St. Michael folk,

Mother Clare mentioned on Sunday there were a couple of "win-win" events coming up.  As your bulletin insert from Guatemala Project showed, one is happening this weekend.

Please join us at 9 a.m. for coffee and great info about contemporary Maya, informally presented by three of us who visited in February and March.  You will also get a glimpse into what Fr. Smith and Terri are up to, as well as information about Project summer teams.  Everyone is very welcome.

If you want more info about summer teams, please check

Ila Abernathy, Coordinator.

St. Michael’s Guatemala Project
Coffee, Conversation, Photo journey, call for summer teams
Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m.
602 N. Wilmot (at 5th Street), Smith Parish Center

Join Guatemala Project volunteers Dorothy Chao, Lahna Chaffee, and Ila Abernathy for coffee and a photo journey as they review summer team plans and report on a Lenten delegation that took them from remote hillsides in the Ixil Area of the Guatemalan highlands to a busy cancer hospital in Guatemala City. Share moments of rare beauty and impending tragedy. Coffee and informal conversation, 9 a.m. Program begins at 9:15 a.m. A limited number of Maya traditional textiles will be on sale.