Thursday, November 17, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending November 26, 2016

St. Michael's School is holding their annual food drive on Monday, Nov. 21. The students supply our Food Pantry with thousands of food items during Thanksgiving Week. We are very grateful for these blessings. This food keeps our Food Pantry going for several months. We need your help on Monday, Nov. 21. Please come to the office at 9:00 am. to help us empty the many boxes of food and place them on the shelves in our pantry and storage room. Many hands make light work....with your help; we will finish in two hours.

You are invited to a Thanksgiving Celebration Thursday, November 24, 2016. The day will begin with Mass at 10:30 am, followed by Thanksgiving Dinner in the Smith Parish Center. Turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy will be provided. Please bring a side dish, rolls or dessert to share. Sign-up sheets are in back of church. Please include what side dish you will bring so as not to duplicate many sides. Brother Dave will be on vacation Tuesday and Wednesday, November 22 and 23.

On the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, Angel Tree tags are available for pick-up from the Christmas tree at the back of church. Please be sure to sign the sheet on the usher’s table so that we will know what children’s names have been taken. This year we have approximately 35 children. You have been so generous with your gifts for the children. It is a real blessing for me to be involved. As usual, each child will receive a clothing gift and a toy ……etc. This year I need your gift, unwrapped, and returned to the office or brought to church no later than Sunday, December 11. Please remember to include the tags for return if any of the items are the wrong size or color. Most stores will give these when the gift is purchased. For any of you who would like to participate but are unable to shop, let me know and I will be glad to take care of it for you. May God bless all of you during this wonderful time of the year. Please call me if you have any questions or have any problems with your gifts. Thanking you in advance for your generosity – Ancelyn Smith – 991-2354

We are now collecting unwanted and gently used items for the Trinket Table at the International Bazaar to be held on December 3rd and 4th. All proceeds will go to the Social Action Committee, helping to defray the costs of the bazaar. Bring your donations to the church office. Plan now to help with Ten Thousand Villages at St. Michael’s International Holiday Bazaar, December 3 and 4th. Sponsored by Social Action Committee, “Villages” is the anchor group, included not only to serve craft communities in developing but also to attract the public through variety and name recognition. We are the only place in Arizona where you can “shop the village”. More visitors mean more purchases for small local groups, as well. We need a roster of folk to help with set-up and to sit the Villages display in two-hour rotations. To help, contact Ila Abernathy.

Remembering that Tohono O'odham and other indigenous peoples are the original stewards of this land, we give thanks for the past and present elders of their communities, and for all indigenous peoples who worship here today.

“Mass and Mammon” for Sunday, November 13 - Attendance: Morning Prayer: 4. Low Mass: 31. Family Mass: 20. Solemn Mass: 77. Spanish Mass: 10. Low Mass: 17. Giving: Pledges: $7,183.75. Open Offerings: $3,059.00. Discretionary Fund: $280. Meals Program: $50. Faith Promise: $45. Social Action: $5. Thank you for your faithful worship and generous support of the parish’s life and ministry Program: $50. Faith Promise: $45. Social Action: $5. Thank you for your faithful worship and generous support of the parish’s life and ministry

A Note About Stewardship

On Sunday, November 13th, longtime parishioner and future parish treasurer Steve Larsen gave a few remarks about stewardship during mass. We've asked him to repeat his sentiments here:

I spoke in church this past weekend about our pledge campaign. These are the things that I love about St. Michael’s: the beautiful pueblo revival sanctuary and grounds, the kind, caring and friendly people, our strong sense of social mission, Mother Clare and the whole school, the anglo-catholic liturgy, the music and the choir, our new Rector Brother Dave, Ila and the Guatemala Project, Father Jorge and Mission San Miguel, and I could go on and on.

No matter how bad we feel about what happened in the country last week, and I feel very bad, nothing has changed at St. Michael's. Nothing. We care about each other, we take care of each other and serve our community. And now, more than ever, we need our spiritual home. Our continued kindness to each other and devotion to Christ are the elements that will allow us to flourish and grow as children of God in these troubling times. And we will support St. Michael’s with our love, our time, and our pledges, as those before us have also done during the first 64 years of this parish's existence. Soli Gloria Deo. That is St. Michael’s.

Steve Larsen

This Sunday, November 20th, we will have an ingathering of pledge forms for 2017. If you have not already returned your pledge, please bring your completed form this Sunday. Extra pledge forms are in the back of the church. Thank you for your support, and for making St. Michael and All Angels your spiritual home.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Casa Maria: Feeding the Hungry ~~ Giving Thanks for our Blessings

Casa Maria sandwich making at St. Michael's is this Friday, November 11th,  in the Smith Parish Center. Come join us! Kitchen opens at 5 PM; come anytime after that!

Please bring 1 or 2 dozen cooked and peeled eggs. We need medium sized boxes for transporting the lunches. Fruit boxes from Costco or banana boxes are ideal.


Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending 11/12/16

White crosses around the altar at the back of church remember 24 of 144 undocumented persons, most unidentified, whose remains were recovered in the Arizona desert during fiscal 2016. Others lie undiscovered in the desert, leaving families in anguish and uncertainty.  The crosses were carried in pilgrimage from St. John’s Church, Ajo Road at 12th Ave. to the San Xavier Mission on October  29.  We thank the colición de Derechos Humanos for entrusting the crosses to St. Michael’s until November 7.

Our guest this Sunday, November 5th, is the Rev. Elizabeth Smith of Holy Way Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Smith coordinates a volunteer visitation program at the Eloy Detention Center. She will speak after the 10:15 am Solemn Mass, and will help us learn ways that we can offer solace and support for women and men who are detained and awaiting Immigration Court. Please join us.

ECW/WM will meet in the Parish Center on November 16.  We will begin the meeting at 10:30 AM. Please  bring an item or two for our Food Pantry. Our speaker will be Jill LaBrie, who will speak to us about the CASA Program. Please join us for ECW business, an interesting speaker, and fellowship.

We are now collecting unwanted and gently used items for the Trinket Table at the International Bazaar to be held on December 3rd and 4th.  All proceeds will go to the Social Action Committee, helping to defray the costs of the bazaar. Bring your donations to the church office.

Plan now to help with Ten Thousand Villages at St. Michael’s International Holiday Bazaar, December 3 and 4th.  Sponsored by Social Action Committee, “Villages” is the anchor group, included not only to serve craft communities in developing but also to attract the public through variety and name recognition.  We are the only place in Arizona where you can “shop the village”.  More visitors mean more purchases for small local groups, as well. We need a roster of folk to help with set-up and to sit the Villages display in two-hour rotations. To help, contact Ila Abernathy, 623-3063,

St. Michael’s School ~ Now accepting applications for school year  2017 ~  2018.  Episcopal schools throughout the USA have a tradition of excellence in education in a setting that promotes diversity, academics, and spiritual growth.  If you have or know children who will be in grades K-8 in 2017-2018, it’s not too early to come by and tour St. Michael's School located at 602 N. Wilmot.  We are here to provide potential parents with information about how a balanced Episcopal school education is the right match for so many of our children.  For more information please contact Paul Pierce, Director of Admissions, at 722-8478 ext 259, or email:

Anglican Cycle of Prayer – Let us pray for the Lusitanian Church on Portugal, and for their bishop, the Rt. Rev. José Jorge De Pina Cabral

Diocese of Arizona Cycle of Prayer – Let us pray and give thanks for Canterbury Episcopal Campus Ministry in Flagstaff.