Monday, December 31, 2007

Schedule and Announcements



Farewell Fiesta
The Reverend Angela Emerson

Sunday January 6 from 3:00 until 5:00 pm. In the Parish Center. Followed by Mass.

Sign Up sheets are in the back of church. This is a Pot Luck Dinner . Please indicate what you would like to bring ~ main dish, salad or dessert!

Please join us for food, fun and festivities and help send Priest Angela on her way with our Love!

* JUST IN TIME TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR ~ with an Italian Dinner following the 5:30 pm Mass on New Year’s Eve. The dinner prepared by none other than the famous Italian chef ~ Giovanni Smithanni (Fr. Smith) ~ Spaghetti, salad and bread! Join us for good food, great friends and a great time! P.S. bring your favorite wine!!
(sign up sheets in the back of church)

* NOVEL THEOLOGY WILL MEET AT THE HOME OF BONNIE EDWARDS. On Thursday, January 3. The book discussed is THE UNCOMMON READER BY Alan Bennett. The meeting begins at 6:30 pm.

* THE BARNABAS GROUP of encouragement for those who have experienced a loss at sometime meets monthly. Next meeting is Monday, December 10 at 11:30 AM, at the Old Pueblo Grill located at 60 North Alvernon Way. Please call Peggy Speece at 325-0708 with your reservation at least three days prior to the meeting.

* THERE ARE only 6 BOXES OF Angel Food CANDY REMAINING. Just stop by the church office for your Angel Food. Share the goodness and sweetness of St. Michael and All

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Masses 2007

St. Michael’s Calendar

24 Mon Vigil of The Nativity – Christmas Eve

5:00 PM – Family Mass with Christmas Story For Children

& Setting up the Creche

10:00 PM - Concert And Carols

10:45 PM - Solemn Procession and High Mass

Parish Offices closed

25 Tue The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ – Christmas Day

7:30 AM Morning Prayer

8:00 AM Mass

10:00 AM High Mass and Procession

Parish Offices closed

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending December 16th, plus The Messenger


Those who have not yet estimated
their giving please use the pledge cards and envelopes located at the end of each pew. You may simply drop the completed cards in the collection, mail them or bring them by the parish office.

Bazaar spillover sale today (Sunday, December 9th) – Parish groups and artists only. Pick up that special gift you missed last week – join us in the Parish Center for coffee hours after both Masses. Ten Thousand Villages unsold items must be returned soon, so this is your last opportunity to support fair-traded village crafts worldwide.

Social Concerns Meeting TODAY (Sunday, December 9th) after 10 AM Mass, Womble Library. All welcome to join us as we talk about concerns and end-of-year use of funds YOU have already donated. Starts 15 minutes after the organ postlude ends, so pick up your coffee and head over.

THE BARNABAS GROUP of encouragement for those who have experienced a loss at sometime meets monthly. Next meeting is Monday, December 10 at 11:30 AM, at the Old Pueblo Grill located at 60 North Alvernon Way. Please call Peggy Speece with your reservation.

E.C.W ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON will take place on Wednesday, December 19 at 10:30 am in the Parish Center. All women of the parish are invited. Reservations made on the sign-up sheet in the back of church. The cost of the luncheon is $6.00. Won’t you join us? The last day for reservations is no later than Monday, December 17.

CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - the special beauty of St. Michael’s Christmas worship is the work of many people. Not all can be directly involved, but all can contribute to the Christmas Flowers and Decorations. Please use the Christmas Flowers envelope for floral donations.

PLEASE NOTE: Fr. Harnsberger’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood scheduled for next Sunday December 16 ~ 10am has been postponed to a later date.

THANKS TO ALL (too many to name) who helped make St. Michael’s Advent International Bazaar a success with great food, wonderful music, and unique gifts. Three parish artists and 28 outside and parish related socially committed groups participated. At least $8,860 changed hands (with one group left to report). Our free space is a great gift to worthy projects, from African Team Ministries to Zambian Children’s Fund. Thanks especially to the school / church maintenance staff, church office, church wardens and Social Concerns’ event coordinator.

Don’t forget your “Angel Food” for last minute Christmas gifts.


Opportunities for Giving

Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. Angel Tree tags are available for pick-up from the Christmas Tree at the back of church. Please be sure to sign the sheet on the usher’s table so that we will know what children’s names have been taken.
This year we have 33 children and will also be buying groceries for Christmas baskets for several of the families. I appreciate all the donations you have made in the past for the Angel Tree project. This year I need all the gifts returned to the office or brought to the tree no later than Sunday, December 21. Margie Doyle will be helping me with wrapping and delivery this year.
Please remember to include the tags for return if any of the items are the wrong size or color. Most stores will give these when the gift is purchased. For any of you who would like to participate but are unable to shop, let me know and I will be glad to take care of it for you.
May God Bless all of you during this wonderful time of the year. Please call me if you have any questions or have any problems with your gifts. Thanking you in advance for your generosity – Ancelyn Smith

Achieve Universal Primary Education and Empower Women
How could the people of our parish of St. Michael and All Angels work toward the realization of this goal?

And now: the Messenger! PDF file - click here. (warning: large file!)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Advent Bazaar


December 1 & 2
St. Michael & All Angels
(602 N. Wilmot, at 5th Street)

* Gifts * Food * Music

from your favorite non-profit groups
Ten Thousand Villages – new, expanded selection

Sat. Dec. 1, 5 to 8 p.m. -- Opening sale, reception, & music
Mzekala – Balkan Traditional Songs, 6:30 p.m.
Mzekala ["Sun Woman"] performs songs of Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Russia – while you shop.
George Pepper – guitar, 5:30 p.m. Classical, contemporary, and original selections.

Sun. Dec. 2, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. -- Sale continues
Food – from 11:30 –
Fry bread, Indian tacos – Indigenous Thinkers, UA student group.
Colombian empanadas – for Comedores Populares, children's free lunch program, Colombia.
Baked goods -- Ha San preparatory High.

Pinata – patio, noon. Children’s free art activity.

Music, from 11:30 – Ne’edam Keihindam traditional singers of Ha San High; George Pepper, guitar; Ernie Fasse, fiddle; Ted Warmbrand & Richard Boren, banjo.

Groups confirmed to date:
* African Team Ministries
* Arabic paintings from Amal
* Colombia Solidarity Crafts
* Cultural Exchange Council
* Danish Club / Sierra Club
* Episcopal Peace Fellowship
* Las Fridas de C.A.R.E.
* Holy Trinity Gifts - Haiti
* Just Coffee
* No More Deaths
* Owl & Panther
* St. Luke’s Home
* St. Michael’s Guatemala Project
* St. Michael’s Angel Food Candy
* Samaritans
* Sisters of St. Francis
* Spay and Neuter Solutions
* Ten Thousand Villages
* University of Arizona Press
* Zambian Children’s Fund
* Parish artists Mary Lou Mooney, Kelli Peacock, Mary Uhrig

St. Michael’s provides space gratis for the groups –
YOU make the Bazaar a success.

Holiday shopping with a conscience

Monday, November 19, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending November 25th, 2007


NOVEL THEOLOGY WILL MEET AT SUSAN BEDRICK’S HOME on Thursday, December 6. The book discussed is “Change of Light” by Nora Gallagher. The meeting begins at 6:30 pm.

UPDATE ON FR. SMITH’S SHOE BOX CHARITY~ Next Sunday following the 8 AM Mass, you are invited to help wrap the packages. After the 10:00 AM Mass, you are invited to help fill the boxes. Won’t you join us in this great endeavor!!! If you have Christmas wrapping paper to share, please bring it to the office or bring it on the 25th. Thanks!!!


Casa Maria is this Friday, November 23rd at 6:00 pm in the Parish Center. The incredible – edible egg! Won’t you be a good egg and donate a dozen hard-boiled, peeled eggs? Your contribution of a dozen eggs will make one to two dozen sandwiches for people who are hungry and in need of food. Your hands are needed to help make sandwiches beginning at 6:00 pm.

Won’t you help? We need help Monday morning, November 19th to help sort and stock the food pantry with donations collected from the St. Michael’s Day School Food Drive. Won’t you join us in the office workroom at 9:00 am. Should not take much longer than and hour and a half!

Hebrew class continues to meet each Wednesday at 8:45 am in the Womble Library.

Parish Life is Growing!! When will we see YOU?!

COMMUNAL THANKSGIVING DINNER FOLLOWING 11 AM MASS this Thursday in the Parish Center. Sign up sheet is available at the church. Please bring a vegetable or dessert.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending November 11, 2007


It is time again for St. Michael’s Angel Food.
Remember an angel you love this coming Christmas holiday with the best coconut macadamia toffee you have ever tasted. Be an angel and help with the production of this delicious Angel Food Sign-up sheets are located in the back of church! The schedule has changed ~ the candy making will begin on Wednesday, November 7th. See entry below this one for details.

Social Concerns Committee meets Sunday November 11 at 9 am in the Womble Library. All are welcome. Primary agenda: end-of-year spending, bazaar, brief notes – followup on events, community events for November/December. To add agenda items, please contact Peggy Van Norman.

The Barnabas Group of encouragement for those who have experienced a loss at some time meets monthly. Next meeting Monday, November 12 at 11:30 am. at the Old Pueblo Grill restaurant located at 60 N. Alvernon. Please call Peggy Speece for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

Hebrew class continues to meet each Wednesday at 8:45 am in the Womble Library.

“Quilters and Knitters” will meet Saturday November 10 at 11:00 am in the Womble Library. Bring your craft and join us.

Opportunity to Give ~ United Thank Offering boxes are available in the back of church. These simple donations are outward signs of our profound and continuing thankfulness for all of life. May the Lord bless those who will benefit from these gifts through the outreach of the United Thank Offering and keep us ever thankful for our blessings!

Parish Life is Growing!! When will we see YOU?!

“Festive Brunch” will be held at the Foundations Courtyard following the 8 and 10 am masses next Sunday November 11. All are invited to this brunch. We hope to see you there. You don’t want to miss it!

Friday November 16 ~ Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes ~ 6:30 pm. This is a family friendly activity! Come and bring the kids.

Candy Making Schedule


Wed Nov 7

Thu Nov 8

Fri Nov 9

Sat Nov 10

Sun Nov 11
(AFTER 8 & 10 AM)

Mon Nov 12

Tue Nov 13

Wed Nov 14

Thu Nov 15
Kitchen Floor steam cleaned at 1:00 pm
On Thursday, November 15th!

Fri Nov 16

Sat Nov 17

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending October 28th, 2007


Next Family Mass is October 28, 2007 at 9:45 AM in the Old Parish Hall. If your child is interested in having a role in the service, please contact Priest Angela.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers – if you are on the list to serve the chalice or to read, you should receive an email or letter from Priest Angela. If you have not received either a letter or email please let the office know.

“Lift your Voices” and sing with St. Michael’s Choir. You are always welcome to join us. The holiday season is fast approaching and we always need new voices. Please join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in the church.

Tucson Chamber Artists, Tucson’s professional choir, presents music “Of Faith and Joy” on Saturday October 27 at 7:30 PM here at St. Michael and All Angels. For ticket information ~ 520-401-2651.

The ECW is raffling off a quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group.. Tickets are available for $2.00 each after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

TRUNK OR TREAT! ~ Come join the fun on Saturday October 27 beginning at 4:00 pm. Join us for a family friendly All Hallows’ Eve Service followed by “trunk or treating” in the north parking lot. Lots of Halloween goodies, hot chocolate and apple cider! Bring your kids (in costume) and a bag of goodies to share.

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 ~ Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes ~ 6:30 PM. This is a family friendly activity! Come and bring the kids.

SIMPLE SOULFUL SUPPERS ~ coming the first three weeks in Advent. There will be study and reflection on the first U.N. Millennium Development Goal: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Following the study and reflection there will be a simple meal and then an educational program about our ministries to feed those without adequate food supplies. Plan to join us for a fine evening of fellowship and celebration of our ministries.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Casa Maria is this Friday October 26 at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center. The incredible – edible egg! Won’t you be a good egg and donate a dozen hard-boiled, peeled eggs? Your contribution of a dozen eggs will make one to two dozen sandwiches for people who are hungry and in need of food. Your hands are needed to help make sandwiches beginning at 6:00 pm.

It is time again for St. Michael’s Angel Food. Remember an angel you love this coming Christmas holiday with the best coconut macadamia toffee you have ever tasted. Be an angel and help with the production of this delicious angel food! Sign-up sheets are located in the back of church!

It’s time for Fr. Smith’s “shoe box” charity project. If you have any empty shoeboxes, please bring them and leave them in the back of church or simply drop them by the parish office. Extra large shoeboxes cannot be used. These boxes will be wrapped and filled with items then taken to Nogales on the Feast of the Epiphany (or Three King’s Day) and distributed to the children there. More information is located on the Usher’s table in the back of church.

Sale of memorial bricks for the St. Michael’s Church and Day School Foundation Courtyard is underway. The Courtyard will be a beautiful space for the parish and school to hold a variety of events. Your contribution will help make this dream a reality. Contact the church office for a brochure containing all the details about purchasing a memorial brick.

DID YOU KNOW that St. Michael’s receives 3% of all purchases made with a Fry’s Gift Card? For more information or to purchase a gift card(s) for yourself or as a gift for someone else, please see or phone Betty Malody.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending October 7th, 2007


Novel Theology will take place Thursday October 4th at the home of Angela Emerson. The book reviewed is Leaving Church by Barbara Brown. Refreshments and social time will be at 6:30 PM and book discussion follows at 7:00 PM.

The Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis will take place next Sunday, October 7 at the 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses.

The Barnabas Group now meets at the OLD PUEBLO GRILL at 60 North Alvernon Way. The Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 11:30 am. The next meeting will take place, Monday, October 8, 2007. Barnabas Group offers encouragement for those who have at sometime experienced a loss. Please call Peggy Speese for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

The Parish of St. Michael and All Angels owes a BIG THANK YOU to those who have worked hard in up-dating the Womble Library. Our thanks to Bonnie Edwards and Pat Miller for the curtains, to Alicia Basemann for the chairs and Contance Pascoe for the lovely rugs. The work in the library is not yet completed and we are looking for volunteers to help finish the job

Looking ahead ~ Tucson Chamber Artists, Tucson’s professional choir, presents music “Of Faith and Joy” on Saturday October 27 at 7:30 PM here at St. Michael and All Angels. For ticket information ~ 520-401-2651.

The ECW is raffling off a quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group.. Tickets are available for $2.00 each after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ Robin Hood, or it Sherwood be Fun. Cost: Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office. Only one ticket left!

SAVE THE DATE: Social Concerns will be hosting “Sunday Soup Suppers” the first three weeks of Advent (December 2, 9, and 16). The meal will begin at 6 pm and will feature a local speaker addressing Goal 1 (eradicate extreme poverty and hunger) of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 ~ Plans are being made for a celebration of All Hallows Eve. Details to follow!

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 ~ Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes ~ 6:30 PM.

PAVAROTTI NIGHT is coming! Celebrate with the food and music of Luciano Pavarotti. Be prepared to wear a colorful chiffon scarf as Pavarotti did. More information as plans are finalized!!

Opportunities for Service and Giving

St. Michael’s is part of an Episcopal fellowship coalition that is building a house for Habitat for Humanity. The purchaser of the house is Margie Rico, who is an employee of one of our parishioners. The sign in front of her house reads “ This house is being built by St. Phillips in the Hills, St. Michael and All Angels and other Episcopal churches.” Please be generous with your donations to Social Concerns today as all donations received will go toward this house. Come to coffee hour this morning and meet Margie.

Sale of memorial bricks for the St. Michael’s Church and Day School Foundation Courtyard is underway. The Courtyard will be a beautiful space for the parish and school to hold a variety of events. Your contribution will help make this dream a reality. Contact the church office for a brochure containing all the details about purchasing a memorial brick.

DID YOU KNOW that St. Michael’s receives 3% of all purchases made with a Fry’s Gift Card? For more information or to purchase a gift card (s) for yourself or as a gift for someone else, please see or phone Betty Malody.

St. Michael’s Primavera Meal Team serves dinner at the Men’s Shelter on the second Sunday of each month. We need an additional chili cook and someone to provide fresh fruit. If you can help, please call Joel Williams.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP DISTRIBUTE FOOD BAGS on Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 am until 10:00 am. Please contact the parish office.

At times the parish office is in need of substitute volunteers or extra volunteers to help with various office projects. If you are willing to have your name placed on an “As Needed List” to be called when needed ~ please contact the Parish Office.

Education For Ministry is a program of study for the laity. Over the course of study, you read a substantial part of the Old Testament and New Testament, acquire a good overview of Church history and have the opportunity to wrestle with major theological questions. The format is self-study with an emphasis on reflection of the readings for the week and how God is working in your life. Anyone who is interested in the class may attend a meeting of the current EFM class on Wednesday, September 26, October 3 or October 17. The class meets in the Womble library at 7:00 pm Wednesdays. Contact Priest Angela if you have any questions.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Announcements for Week ending September 30th, 2007


Come Home and Celebrate ~ Michaelmas ~ 2007
this Saturday September 29th.
High Mass at 6:00 pm ~
Music ~ Schubert Mass in C with choir and orchestra.
Mass followed by Mariachi Music and a Mexican Fiesta Dinner.
Special Children’s Piñata!
Reservation sheet in the back of church.

ST. MICHAEL’S SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS BEGUN at 9:45 AM Sundays in the Parish Hall. It is not too late to register for Sunday School. Registration forms are located in the back of church and will be available Sunday at class time.

Novel Theology will take place Thursday October 4th at the home of Angela Emerson. The book reviewed is Leaving Church by Barbara Brown. Refreshments and social time will be at 6:30 PM and book discussion follows at 7:00 PM.

Looking ahead ~ Tucson Chamber Artists, Tucson’s professional choir, presents music “Of Faith and Joy” on Saturday October 27 at 7:30PM here at St. Michael and All Angels. For ticket information ~ 520-401-2651.

The Day School will have its first All School, All Parish, All Harold Bell Wright subdivision picnic on Friday September 28, 2007 beginning at 6:00 PM. There will be hot dogs, brats, sausage, beans, corn, watermelon and lots of other good food and beverage. Bring a blanket, come and enjoy the fun!

The ECW is raffling off a quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group.. Tickets are available for $2.00 each after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ Robin Hood, or it Sherwood be Fun. Cost: Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office.

SAVE THE DATE: Social Concerns will be hosting “Sunday Soup Suppers” the first three weeks of Advent (December 2, 9, and 16). The meal will begin at 6 pm and will feature a local speaker addressing Goal 1 (eradicate extreme poverty and hunger) of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 ~ Plans are being made for a celebration of All Hallow’s Eve. Details to follow!

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 ~ Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes ~ 6:30 pm.

PAVAROTTI NIGHT is coming! Celebrate with the food and music of Luciano Pavarotti. Be prepared to wear a colorful chiffon scarf as Pavarotti did. More information as plans are finalized!!

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Casa Maria is this Friday September 28th at 6:00 pm in the Parish Center. Won’t you be a good egg and donate a dozen hard-boiled, peeled eggs? Your contribution of a dozen eggs will make one to two dozen sandwiches for people who are hungry and in need of food. Your hands are needed to help make sandwiches beginning at 6:00 pm.

St. Michael’s is part of an Episcopal fellowship coalition that is building a house for Habitat for Humanity. The purchaser of the house is Margie Rico, who is an employee of one of our parishioners. The sign in front of her house reads “ This house is being built by St. Phillips in the Hills, St. Michael and All Angels and other Episcopal churches.” Please be generous with your donations to Social Concerns today as all donations received will go toward this house. Come to coffee hour this morning and meet Margie.

Sale of memorial bricks for the St. Michael’s Church and Day School Foundation Courtyard are underway. The Courtyard will be a beautiful space for the parish and school to hold a variety of events. Your contribution will help make this dream a reality. Contact the church office for a brochure containing all the details about purchasing a memorial brick.

DID YOU KNOW that St. Michael’s receives 3 % of all purchases made with a Fry’s Gift Card? For more information or to purchase a gift card (s) for yourself or as a gift for someone else, please see or phone Betty Malody.

St. Michael’s Primavera Meal Team serves dinner at the Men’s Shelter on the second Sunday of each month. We need an additional chili cook and someone to provide fresh fruit. If you can help, please call Joel Williams.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP DISTRIBUTE FOOD BAGS on Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 am until 10:00 am. Please contact the parish office.

At times the parish office is in need of substitute volunteers or extra volunteers to help with various office projects. If you are willing to have your name placed on an “As Needed List” to be called when needed ~ please contact the Parish Office.

Education For Ministry is a program of study for the laity. Over the course of study, you read a substantial part of the Old Testament and New Testament, acquire a good overview of Church history and have the opportunity to wrestle with major theological questions. The format is self-study with an emphasis on reflection of the readings for the week and how God is working in your life. Anyone who is interested in the class may attend a meeting of the current EFM class on Wednesday, September 26, October 3 or October 17. The class meets in the Womble library at 7:00 pm Wednesdays. Contact Priest Angela if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Buy a Brick for the St. Michael's Parish Day School

Be a Part of St. Michael’s Past, Present, and Future…

Sunken Garden photo by Karen Blocher As we celebrate our School’s 50th Anniversary, students, alumni/ae, parents, parishioners, grandparents, and friends of St. Michael’s have a wonderful opportunity to participate in the revitalization of a special place, the Sunken Garden. Remember when it was the social center for the Church? Now we can commemorate our relationship with the school and /or the church by purchasing a brick or paver. Bricks and pavers can be engraved with your name, a friend’s name, or the name of a loved one. Add a logo or the year to celebrate your graduation or wedding anniversary.

Our 50th Anniversary Mission:
To celebrate our school’s history and to strengthen the ties with our immediate and extended community in order to enrich the present and build a healthy future.

• 3 lines for a 4" x 8" Brick
• 6 Lines for an 8" x 8" Paver
- 4 lines if a logo is included
• 20 characters per line (includes spaces, punctuation, and suffix characters)
- 12 characters for 4" x 8" with bottom-center logo

A laser process is used to engrave each brick by applying intensive heat and transforming the clay to hardened glass, ensuring a beautiful, durable finish. Bricks will be red.

Click here for further details and order form.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Announcements for Week ending September 23rd, 2007


ST. MICHAEL’S SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS NEXT SUNDAY At 9:45 am in the Parish Hall. It is not too late to regisiter for Sunday School. Registration forms are located in the back of church and will be available next Sunday at class time.

Novel Theology will take place Thursday October 4th at the home of Angela Emerson. The book reviewed is Leaving Church by Barbara Brown. Refreshments and social time will be at 6:30 PM and book discussion follows at 7:00 PM.

Looking ahead ~ Tucson Chamber Artists, Tucson’s professional choir, presents music “Of Faith and Joy” on Saturday October 27 at 7:30PM here at St. Michael and All Angels. For ticket information ~ 520-401-2651.

The ECW will host a Pot Luck luncheon at their next meeting on Wednesday September 19 at 10:00 AM, in the Parish Center.

Our Patronal Feast ~ MICHAELMAS is fast approaching. Save the date and bring a friend ~ Saturday September 29. Mass at 6:oo pm and a Mexican Fiesta Dinner to follow! Stay tuned !

The ECW is raffling off a quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group.. Tickets are available for $2.00 each after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ Robin Hood, or it Sherwood be Fun. Cost: Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office.

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 ~ Plans are being made for a celebration of All Hallow’s Eve. Details to follow!

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 ~ Bowling at Camino Seco Lanes ~ 6:30 pm.

PAVAROTTI NIGHT is coming! Celebrate with the food and music of Luciano Pavarotti. Be prepared to wear a colorful chiffon scarf as Pavarotti did. More information as plans are finalized!!

Opportunities for Service and Giving

DID YOU KNOW that St. Michael’s receives 3 % of all purchases made with a Fry’s Gift Card? For more information or to purchase a gift card (s) for yourself or as a gift for someone else, please see or phone Betty Malody.

St. Michael’s Primavera Meal Team serves dinner at the Men’s Shelter on the second Sunday of each month. We need an additional chili cook and someone to provide fresh fruit. If you can help, please call Joel Williams.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP DISTRIBUTE FOOD BAGS on Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 am until 10:00 am. Please contact the parish office.

At times the parish office is in need of substitute volunteers or extra volunteers to help with various office projects. If you are willing to have your name placed on an “As Needed List” to be called when needed ~ please contact the Parish Office.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of Thursday September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Sermon Podcasts

Father Smith has been hard at work uploading sermons via Here are the links!

Father SmithThe True Church
Sermon by the Rev. John Smith

MP3 File
Father SmithThe Church as a School of Faith
Sermon by the Rev. John Smith

MP3 File
Rev. EmersonRole Models and the Cloud of Witnesses
Sermon by the Rev. Angela Emerson

MP3 File
Father SmithRadical Religions
Sermon by the Rev. John Smith

MP3 File
Rev. EmersonThe Dangers of Busyness
Sermon by the Rev. Angela Emerson

MP3 File
Father SmithInheriting Wisdom
Sermon by the Rev. John Smith

MP3 File

Double-click to play on your default audio player (RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Liquid Audio, Quicktime, etc.)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Announcements for Week ending September 16th, 2007


Next Saturday September 15 ~ a training workshop for Lectors and Chalice Bearers will be held at 9:00 am until 11am in the Parish Center.

The Knitters and Quilters will meet SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15 at 11:00 am in the Womble library.

The ECW will host a Pot Luck luncheon at their next meeting on Wednesday September 19 at 10:00 AM, in the Parish Center.

THE BARNABAS GROUP of encouragement for those who have experienced a loss at sometime meets monthly. Next meeting is Monday, September 10 at 11:30 AM, at the Old Pueblo Grill located at 60 North Alvernon Way. Please call Peggy Speece with your reservation.

Our Patronal Feast ~ MICHAELMAS is fast approaching. Save the date and bring a friend ~ Saturday September 29. Mass at 6:oo pm and a Mexican Fiesta Dinner to follow! Stay tuned !

The ECW is raffling off a quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group.. Tickets are available for $2.00 each after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

Saturday September 15 ~ University of Arizona Football. Watch UA defeat New Mexico!! Game time 7 pm. We will meet at 5:30 pm at the church, car pool to catch a bus from Reid Park and buy tickets at the stadium. The game time is not yet final. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ Robin Hood, or it Sherwood be Fun. Cost: Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office.

PARISH LIFE PLANNING MEETING ~ Monday September 10 at 6:00 pm.
Note the time change. The 6:00 pm time change will present an opportunity for attendance at the 5:30 pm Mass. Please come and bring others! The more the merrier and “it Sherwood be nice!” We will be finished no later than 6:45 pm.

You are invited ~ to a luncheon on Sunday September 16 at 11:15 AM. The luncheon will take place at the Sunken Garden. If you are a guest, a newcomer, a parishioner or someone who hasn’t been to St. Michael and All Angels for awhile ~ Won’t you please join us in meeting and getting to know each other.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

DID YOU KNOW that St. Michael’s receives 3 % of all purchases made with a Fry’s Gift Card? For more information or to purchase a gift card (s) for yourself or as a gift for someone else, please see or phone Betty Malody.

St. Michael’s Primavera Meal Team serves dinner at the Men’s Shelter on the second Sunday of each month. We need an additional chili cook and someone to provide fresh fruit. If you can help, please call Joel Williams.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP DISTRIBUTE FOOD BAGS on Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 am until 10:00 am. Please contact the parish office.

At times the parish office is in need of substitute volunteers or extra volunteers to help with various office projects. If you are willing to have your name placed on an “As Needed List” to be called when needed ~ please contact the Parish Office.

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore.” If you are interested, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of Thursday September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Photo of the Week

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Our Patronal Feast ~ MICHAELMAS is fast approaching. Save the date and bring a friend ~ Saturday September 29. Mass at 6:oo pm and a Mexican Fiesta Dinner to follow! Stay tuned !

Novel Theology ~ The next meeting will be THIS Thursday, September 6 at 7:00 pm at the home of Mary Carter. The novel discussed is Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott.

The ECW will host a Pot Luck luncheon at their next meeting on Wednesday September 19 at 10:00 AM, in the Parish Center.

St. Margaret’s Altar Society will meet on Saturday, September 8 immediately following Mass. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Sunday, September 9 ~ Guatemala Project 2007 Team Reports - 9:00 am ~ School Music Room. Gretchen and Theo Gibbs, both St. Michael’s school grads; R.N. Sarah Roberts, Ila Abernathy, Fr. Smith and others will present informal reports about one of St. Michael’s major outreach ministries. Photos and time for your questions. Please join us.

The Knitters and Quilters will meet SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15 at 11:00 am in the Womble library.

THE BARNABAS GROUP of encouragement for those who have experienced a loss at sometime meets monthly. Next meeting is Monday, September 10 at 11:30 AM, at the Old Pueblo Grill located at 60 North Alvernon Way. Please call Peggy Speece with your reservation at least three days prior to the meeting.

Win this quilt! The ECW is raffling off this quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group.. Tickets are available for $2.00 each after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

Saturday September 15 ~ University of Arizona Football. Watch UA defeat New Mexico!! We will meet at the church, car pool to catch a bus from Reid Park and buy tickets at the stadium. The game time is not yet final. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

You are invited ~ to a luncheon on Sunday September 16 at 11:15 AM. The luncheon will take place at the Sunken Garden. If you are a guest, a newcomer, a parishioner or someone who hasn’t been to St. Michael and All Angels for awhile ~ Won’t you please join us in meeting and getting to know each other.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ “Robin Hood or it Sherwood be Fun.” Cost :Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; Children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office.

PARISH LIFE PLANNING MEETING ~ Monday September 10 at 5:30 pm. – Only 45 minutes!

Opportunities for Service and Giving

DID YOU KNOW that St. Michael’s receives 3 % of all purchases made with a Fry’s Gift Card? For more information or to purchase a gift card (s) for yourself or as a gift for someone else, please see Betty Malody at church or phone her at 296-3966.

St. Michael’s Primavera Meal Team serves dinner at the Men’s Shelter on the second Sunday of each month. We need an additional chili cook and someone to provide fresh fruit. If you can help, please call Joel Williams at 886-1804.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP DISTRIBUTE FOOD BAGS on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 am until 10:00 am. Please contact the parish office.

At times the parish office is in need of substitute volunteers or extra volunteers to help with various office projects. If you are willing to have your name placed on an “As Needed List” to be called when needed ~ please contact the Parish Office.

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore.” If you are interested, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of Thursday September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.


Friday, August 31, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending September 2nd, 2007


Our Patronal Feast ~ MICHAELMAS is fast approaching. Save the date and bring a friend ~ Saturday September 29. Mass at 6:oo pm and a Mexican Fiesta Dinner to follow! Stay tuned !

The ECW will host a Pot Luck luncheon at their next meeting on Wednesday September 19 at 10:00.

Win this quilt! The ECW is raffling off this quilt from the St. Michael's Quilters & Knitters group. Details to follow. Tickets are available after the Sunday Masses or from the church office.

Upcoming Events

Saturday September 15 ~ University of Arizona Football. Watch UA defeat New Mexico!! We will meet at the church, car pool to catch a bus from Reid Park and buy tickets at the stadium. The game time is not yet final. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 AT 3:00 PM~ Gaslight Theater ~ “Robin Hood or it Sherwood be Fun.” Cost :Adults $18; Seniors (over 60) active duty military, students are $16; Children under 12 are $8. 16 tickets available – first come first serve. Payment and sign-up may be made at the Parish Office.

PARISH LIFE PLANNING MEETING ~ Monday September 10 at 5:30 pm. – Only 45 minutes!

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Something new and different is planned
for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore.” If you are interested, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

WE STILL ARE IN NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” for newcomers on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon.

Fry’s Food Gift Cards. Anyone interested in purchasing a gift card, please contact Betty Malody.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of Thursday September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 26th, 2007


Mark your calendars for a NON-FICTION Book Club Event. On Thursday August 30th at 7 pm, we will read and discuss American Fascists by Chris Hedges. This book takes a hard look at a particular strain of American fundamentalism and the rise of anti-reason, anti-science religious fervor. The book challenges mainstream Christianity to examine how the faith is articulated in a world where fear is rising and subject to manipulation.

Upcoming Events

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden on Saturday, August 25th at 6:00 pm. Cost is $15.00. Sign-up sheet in back of church.

September ~ We are open for suggestions. Any and all ideas entertained. Call Julia Taylor or the church office with your thoughts!

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” for newcomers on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? The next Guest Ministry meeting will take place Tuesday, August 14 at 7 pm in the Womble Library. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 28th.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 19th, 2007


Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin is Wednesday, August 15th ~ 6:00 pm – Rosary ~ 6:30 pm – Mass ~ Pot Luck Dinner to follow. Bring a dish to share. Join us for good food and warm fellowship. Sign up sheet in the back of church.

Mark your calendars for a NON-FICTION Book Club Event. On Thursday August 30th at 7 pm, we will read and discuss American Fascists by Chris Hedges. This book takes a hard look at a particular strain of American fundamentalism and the rise of anti-reason, anti-science religious fervor. The book challenges mainstream Christianity to examine how the faith is articulated in a world where fear is rising and subject to manipulation.

Upcoming Events

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden on Saturday, August 25th at 6:00 pm. Cost is $15.00. Sign-up sheet in back of church.

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore.” There will be a very short organizational meeting right after the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, August 19. If you cannot attend, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” for newcomers on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? The next Guest Ministry meeting will take place Tuesday, August 14 at 7 pm in the Womble Library. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 28th.

Are you interested in Confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 12th, 2007


THE SOCIETY OF MARY will meet at 7:45 am on Saturday August 11. They will pray the Rosary in honor of Mary and the Feast of the Assumption that is celebrated on August 15.

Mark your calendars for a NON-FICTION Book Club Event. On Thursday August 30th at 7 pm, we will read and discuss “American Fascists” by Chris Hedges. This book takes a hard look at a particular strain of American fundamentalism and the rise of anti-reason, anti-science religious fervor. The book challenges mainstream Christianity to examine how the faith is articulated in a world where fear is rising and subject to manipulation.

The Barnabus Group now meets at the OLD PUEBLO GRILL at 60 North Alvernon Way. The Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 11:30 am. The next meeting will take place, Monday, August 13, 2007. Susan Bedrick will be our Guest Speaker. Barnabas Group offers encouragement for those who have at sometime experienced a loss. Please call Peggy Speese at 325-0708 for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

Looking ahead ~ Wednesday ~ August 15 ~ please join us for Mass at 6:3o pm in honor of the feast of St. Mary the Virgin. Pot luck dinner to follow at the Parish Center.

Are you interested in confirmation? Renewal of Baptismal Vows? Or studying the Rite of Baptism? Then mark your calendars for the evening of September 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This class is required for anyone preparing for Baptism (or parents and godparents of infants). We will look at the history of the Rite, what we as Episcopalians believe about Baptism, and how we actually conduct the Rite. This call is also highly recommended for anyone considering confirmation or renewal of Baptismal vows. Please contact the office if you are interested in attending so we can insure that sufficient materials are available.

Upcoming Events

A Bowling Night will be held on Friday August 10 at 5:30 pm at Camino Seco Lanes (114 S. Camino Seco). A sign-up sheet is located on the usher’s table at the back of church.

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden tentatively scheduled to the second half of August. Stay tuned for the date.

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Volunteers are needed to help coordinate our “in-gathering” for Habitat for Humanity “Habistore”. There will be a very short organizational meeting right after the 10:00 am mass on Sunday, August 19. If you cannot attend, please send Priest Angela an email, or call her at the office 886-7292. We need people to help load the truck on Sunday afternoon September 9 and on Tuesday afternoon September 11.

Something new and different is planned for the training and encouragement of Lectors. If you have a little extra time (less than 2 hours) and would be willing to help Priest Angela organize the September 15th workshop, please give her a call or send her an email.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” (for newcomers to St. Michaels following the 10:00 am service in September. The date and more info will follow.) Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? Guest Ministry continues on August 14, 28 and September 11 and 25. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 28th.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending August 5th 2007


Mark your calendar for this Thursday, August 2, 2007. Cathedral Health Services will offer Wellness Screening here at St. Michaels. Flyers detailing these screenings are available in the back of church or from the parish office.

Hebrew Classes have resumed on Wednesdays at 8:45 am until 9:45 in the Womble Library. The emphasis is on beginning Hebrew. If you have ever thought about taking a class in Hebrew, then this class is for you. Everyone is welcome!

Casa Maria Volunteers will meet THIS FRIDAY at 6:00 pm, in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed – the volunteers can always use a few extra hands and SHELLED hard boiled eggs. Join them for fellowship and to help with this good work.

The Barnabus Group now meets at the OLD PUEBLO GRILL at 60 North Alvernon Way. The Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 11:30 am. The next meeting will take place Monday, August 13, 2007. Susan Bedrick will be our Guest Speaker. Barnabas Group offers encouragement for those who have at sometime experienced a loss. Please call Peggy Speese at 325-0708 for reservations at least three days prior to the meeting.

Guest Ministry reminds everyone who ordered a nametag to pick it up in the back of church clipped to ribbons.

Church Directories are available in the back of church for those who have had their picture taken. The directories are also available for purchase price of $5.00 from the Parish Office

Upcoming Events

A Bowling Night will be held on August 10 at 5:30 pm at Camino Seco Lanes (114 S. Camino Seco). A sign up sheet is located in the back of church.

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden tentatively scheduled to the second half of August. Details to follow.

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! GUEST MINISTRY will be hosting a “Guest Luncheon” (for newcomers to St. Michaels following the 10:00 am service in September. The date and more info will follow.) Won’t you join us in showing hospitality at this fun and important event? Guest Ministry continues on August 14, 28 and September 11 and 25. Call Al DeAugustine or Carol Brandon for details or simply show up on August 14th or 20th.

Have you ever considered the Ministry of serving on Sundays as a Chalice Bearer during communion or a Lector (Reader of the Scripture)? This is for YOU! There will be a training session facilitated by Priest Angela on Saturday, September 15th from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. This is an excellent opportunity for service and giving to your church.

Habitat for Humanity needs you! Mark your calendars for Sept. 11! While some people build houses more of us can gather furniture, furnishings, yard equipment, books, and ordinary yard and household items for re-sale at the HabiStore. Watch the newsletter for more details. If you are interested in helping to coordinate this event, please contact Priest Angela.

Today we welcomed Bonnie Kampa, Executive Director of Interfaith Community Services. This interfaith organization has been serving greater Tucson and Pima County since 1985. Their primary purpose is to provide care giving and social services to the elderly, disabled persons and individuals/families in financial crisis in our community. St. Michael and All Angels has expanded its outreach to the community through I.C.S. - more details to follow.

WISH LIST FOR THE WOMBLE LIBRARY ~ this is a work in progress. We HAVE a seamstress to sew the room darkening drapes for the windows. We still would like sheers to cover the windows when the drapes are open; a rug for the floor; a computer, the library has an Internet connection available. Stop by and see the progress. We are striving to make the library a quiet place to read, hold meetings and in general make it a more warm and welcoming useful addition to the facilities at St. Michaels.

Lots and Lots of Sermons Posted at Last

Father Smith has been hard at work uploading sermons via Here are the links!

Father SmithFather Smith:
"The Kingdom of God is Near"
Sermon Proper 9C

MP3 File
Rev. EmersonThe Rev. Angela Emerson
"Who Do You Say I Am - Learning How to Be a Church"
Sermon Proper 8C

MP3 File
Rev. EmersonThe Rev. Angela Emerson
"Head or Heart?"

MP3 File
Father SmithFather Smith:
"The Church: Hospital for Sinners"
Sermon on June 17, 2007

MP3 File
Rev. EmersonRev. Angela Emerson:
"Let's Dance"

MP3 File
Father Ireland
Father Ireland:
"A Pastor and a Son"
Sermon on Mother's Day 2007

MP3 File

Father SmithFather Smith:
"Pentecost: Fire for God"
Sermon Pentecost Sunday 2007

MP3 File
Father SmithFather Smith:
"Trinity: God's Circle Dance"
Sermon Trinity Sunday 2007

MP3 File

Double-click to play on your default audio player (RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Liquid Audio, Quicktime, etc.)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending July 29th 2007


The Funeral Mass for Bob Green will be held Tuesday, July 24th at 11 AM. May his soul and the souls of the departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

The Messenger copy deadline – please submit your article to the church office no later than this Friday, July 27.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 2, 2007. Cathedral Health Services will offer Wellness Screening here at St. Michaels. Flyers detailing these screenings are available in the back of church or from the parish office.

Hebrew Classes will resume Wednesday, July 25 at 8:45 am until 9:45 in the Womble Library. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Ministry reminds everyone who ordered a nametag to pick it up in the back of church clipped to ribbons.

Church Directories are available in the back of church for those who have had their picture taken. The directories are also available for purchase price of $5.00 from the Parish Office

Upcoming Events

A Bowling Night will be held on August 10 at 5:30 pm at Camino Seco Lanes (114 S. Camino Seco). A sign up sheet is located in the back of church.

A Dinner Night will take place at the Lotus Garden tentatively scheduled to the second half of August. Details to follow.

A Theater Night will take place at the Gaslight Theater in October. More information will follow.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

GUEST MINISTRY (FORMERLY NEWCOMER MINISTRY) WILL MEET on the Tuesdays of : July 24, August 14 and August 28. The committee meets at the Womble Library at 7:00 pm. We are always looking for new members. This is our way of having the opportunity to serve the Parish of St. Michael and All Angels. Won’t you join us?

Have you ever considered the Ministry of serving on Sundays as a Chalice Bearer during communion or a Lector (Reader of the Scripture)? This is for YOU! There will be a training session facilitated by Priest Angela on Saturday, September 15th from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. This is an excellent opportunity for service and giving to your church.

Habitat for Humanity needs you! Mark your calendars for Sept. 11! While some people build houses more of us can gather furniture, furnishings, yard equipment, books, and ordinary yard and household items for re-sale at the HabiStore. Watch the newsletter for more details. If you are interested in helping to coordinate this event, please contact Priest Angela.

WISH LIST FOR THE WOMBLE LIBRARY ~ this is a work in progress. We HAVE a seamstress to sew the room darkening drapes for the windows. We still would like sheers to cover the windows when the drapes are open; a rug for the floor; a computer, the library has an Internet connection available. Stop by and see the progress. We are striving to make the library a quiet place to read, hold meetings and in general make it a more warm and welcoming useful addition to the facilities at St. Michaels.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending July 22nd 2007


The Funeral Mass for Dolores Joan Braren will be held Tuesday, July 17th at 11 AM. May her soul and the souls of the departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen

“Safeguarding God’s Children” will be presented on Saturday, July 21 from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. This course is a requirement
of the Diocese for any employee or volunteer who has any regular contact with children.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 2, 2007. Cathedral Health Services will offer Wellness Screening here at St. Michaels. Flyers detailing these screenings are available in the back of church or from the parish office.

Saint Andrew’s Bach Society will present “Brothers and Sisters” on Sunday, July 15th at 3 pm at Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (2331 East Adams Street tickets available at the door. More info: 323-2771 or

August – plans are forming for a bowling night and another dinner night ~ please let Julia Taylor know of your recommendations for restaurants or other areas of interest for Parish Life activities.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

GUEST MINISTRY (FORMERLY NEWCOMER MINISTRY) WILL MEET on the Tuesdays of : July 24, August 14 and August 28. The committee meets at the Womble Library at 7:00 pm. We are always looking for new members. This is our way of having the opportunity to serve the Parish of St. Michael and All Angels. Won’t you join us?

Have you ever considered the Ministry of serving on Sundays as a Chalice Bearer during communion or a Lector (Reader of the Scripture)? This is for YOU! There will be a training session facilitated by Priest Angela on Saturday, September 15th from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. This is an excellent opportunity for service and giving to your church.

Habitat for Humanity needs you! Mark your calendars for Sept. 11! While some people build houses more of us can gather furniture, furnishings, yard equipment, books, and ordinary yard and household items for re-sale at the HabiStore. Watch the newsletter for more details. If you are interested in helping to coordinate this event, please contact Priest Angela.

We are looking for a substitute volunteer for the next three Monday mornings from 9:00 am until 12:30 pm. Duties include answering the phone, giving out food bags and helping the office staff as needed. Please contact the parish office.

WISH LIST FOR THE WOMBLE LIBRARY ~ this is a work in progress. We HAVE a seamstress to sew the room darkening drapes for the windows. We still would like sheers to cover the windows when the drapes are open; a rug for the floor; a computer, the library has an Internet connection available. Stop by and see the progress. We are striving to make the library a quiet place to read, hold meetings and in general make it a more warm and welcoming useful addition to the facilities at St. Michaels.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Announcements for Week Ending June 24th 2007


What is your image of God? Beginning next Sunday, June 24 and continuing for six consecutive Sundays, we will gather in the library for reflection on the Biblical image of God as one who provides divine nourishment. No study is necessary although a review of the Biblical texts for the week is encouraged. Please bring your Bible. We will meet from 9am – 9:45 am in the Womble Library. The text for June 24 is: Exodus 16; Numbers 11.

Tombstone Arizona – home of the oldest Protestant Church in Arizona. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Tombstone is celebrating the 125th anniversary of Tombstone with an authentic 1882 Eucharist on Saturday, June 30 at 11:00 am. We will carpool to Tombstone. The caravan leaves promptly at 9:00 am. The festivities last all day.

Novel Theology meets the first Thursday of each month from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, July 5 at the home of Delores Braren. The book ~ The Innocent Man by John Grisham.

The E.C.W. will hold a luncheon this Wednesday, June 20. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am in the Parish Center followed by the luncheon at 11:30 am. A donation of $7.00 is requested to help defray the cost of the luncheon. (Don’t forget, it’s not too late for dues, just bring them to the meeting!)

Upcoming Events
Parish Life is Growing!! When will we see YOU?!

July 3 ~ pre- July 4th celebration ~ Save the evening for old-fashioned fun – picnic – games. There will be a very traditional cookout and rousing patriotic music by the Skyline Brass Quintet. The festivities will take place in the Church Court Yard. During the music, we will have a parade of bicycles, tricycles, baby strollers and other decorated items (including you and your children.) Come at 5 pm for games and food – the music starts at 7:00 pm. Bring a side dish to share!! Hot dogs provided, if you have a “special meat” we’ll provide space on the grill!

August – plans are forming for a bowling night and another dinner night ~ please let Julia Taylor know of your recommendations for restaurants.

Opportunities for Service and Giving

Will you re-enlist for another tour of duty? Habitat for Humanity is having a building day on September 11, 2007. We are invited to participate in an Episcopal Fellowship Build in which we join with other Episcopal Churches in the area to work on one house. We need your help! Even if you can’t hammer, you can always tote! Come and join the fun! Contact Priest Angela if you are interested in participating. Sorry! You must be an adult to participate.

Guest Ministry (formerly Newcomer Ministry) will meet on the Tuesdays of June 26; July 24; August 14; and August 27. The committee meets at the Womble Library at 7:00 pm. We are always looking for new members. This is our way of having the opportunity to serve the Parish of St. Michael and All Angels. Won’t you join us in this important and rewarding capacity?

St. Michael’s Church is always looking for: Lectors, Crucifers, Ushers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers. If you would like to serve your church in any of these capacities, please contact Fr. Smith, Priest Angela or the Parish Office.