Friday, July 27, 2012

Announcements for Week ending August 4th

√ St. Michael’s Sunday School of Theology continues Sundays at 9 AM in the Womble Library. Right now we are watching Jesus and the Gospels, a series of lectures on DVD by Prof. Luke Timothy Johnson a former Benedictine monk and former teacher at Yale Divinity School. The course places the writing of the Gospels in the literary, religious, cultural and historical context of first century Palestine and the Greco-Roman world. All are welcome to watch these videos and join in the lively discussions that follow.

√ √ St. Michael’s Contemplative Prayer Group is organizing to begin again on Saturday, September 8. We will meet 9:30 – 11:00 am each Saturday in Our Lady of The Desert House of Prayer, north of the church. Parking is on the west side of the house.  Come join the group and learn about Christian meditation and enjoy a short social time together. You will find it relaxing, peaceful and rewarding.

√ The summer is hot and the need is great. St. Michael’s Food Pantry is running low on: peanut butter, juices, fruit, tuna fish, pork and beans and cereal. We continue to be grateful for your generous donations to the pantry for those less fortunate. Donate only if your circumstances will allow. Thank You for your continued generosity.