Thursday, October 31, 2013

Activities This Weekend!

Something for everyone this weekend!

Saturday ~ * 8:15 AM Morning Prayer and Mass
                  *Annual Pilgrimage to San Xavier Mission. 
                    meet at St. John's Church by 9 AM.
                  *Holy Resurrection Fall Festival - Sat. and Sunday
                    on Fifth Street
                  *Contemplative Prayer - 9:30 am - House of Prayer
Sunday ~    *9 AM Family Mass with 3 baptisms
                  *10:15 AM Solemn Sung High Mass ~ Celebrate All Saints
                 *12:30 PM Misa en Espanol


Details on the pilgrimage follow, courtesy of Ila:

Sat. Nov. 2-- Annual Pilgrimage to San Xavier Mission with crosses remembering those who have died along the Arizona border. St. Michael’s has had a small team of walkers almost every year for the 13-year history of the event.
Two ways to participate:

1) Assemble by 9 a.m., St. John’s Church, 12th Ave. and Ajo Rd., for the walk [about 8 miles, with rest stops and a support vehicle if you don’t want to walk all the way]. A great chance to meditate, just be outdoors in city and desert, or pray with your feet.
2) Meet us at San Xavier Mission around 1 p.m. for a brief ceremony with Franciscan friars and W:aak O’odham traditional singers. Offer walkers a ride back to their vehicles.
Just come, or sign up at the back of the church. Join us! The official start time is 8:30, but you should be fine if you arrive any time before 9 a.m., when we should depart.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

More Announcements through October 20

ECW ladies will meet Wednesday, October 16th at 10:30 AM in the Parish Center. All women of the parish are considered members of ECW and are invited to attend.

Taize Service of Meditation will take place this Tuesday, October 15 at 6:45 PM in church. It is a wonderful way to take “time out” from our busy lives and enjoy this time for meditation. All are Invited to attend. Be careful, Taize could become a habit. What better way to spend 45 minutes on a Tuesday evening.

CASA MARIA VOLUNTEERS WILL MEET THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18TH at 5:00 PM, in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed - the volunteers can always use a few extra hands and two dozen SHELLED hard-boiled eggs. Join us for fellowship and to help with this good work.

Join us next Sunday after each Mass for our delicious sale in the Parish Center. It’s always a pleasure to take home a treat made by the best cooks at St. Michaels.
(ECW members, please bring your delicious donations to the Parish Center next Sunday. We’re counting on you to help make this bake sale a success.)

You are invited to join us for Bible Study each Wednesday morning at 10 am in the Womble Library. Peter Schmidt is the facilitator. The Bible Study will be centered on the Old Testament. Join us and bring a friend.

The need is great and our Food Pantry is low. We need: tuna, mac&cheese, canned vegetables (do not need green beans or canned tomatoes) canned spaghetti products , soup, fruit, cereal, evaporated milk, cereal, various canned beans. We especially need canned fruit and soup. Once again we thank you for your continued generosity. Please be as generous only as your circumstances will allow.

Announcements through October 20

Join us Sunday, October 20 and celebrate Episcopal School Sunday. St. Michael’s students will be serving at Mass and offering musical additions to the Mass. Following the morning Masses, there will be a delicious Pancake Breakfast ~ cooked and served by our Boy Scouts under the direction of Byron Brandon and John Madsen.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 ~ 7PM ~ ST. MICHAELS ~Brahms, Schumann, and Faure
Performers from the Tucson Symphony Orchestra ~
Anna Gendler, Alexander Tentser,
Theodore Buchholz and Melissa Hamilton
Present an evening dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the founding of St. Michael and All Angels.
Johannes Brahms Sonata Op. 78
Robert Schumann Märchenerzählungen Op. 132
Gabriel Faure Piano Quartet in c minor Op. 15

Knitters and Crocheters will meet Saturday, October 12 at 10am. in the School Art Room. Bring your craft and a sack lunch and join us for lively conversation and fellowship while enjoying your knitting, crocheting or your own craft.

St. Michael's at Diocesan Convention
The annual Episcopal Diocese of Arizona Convention is at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix October 18-19. Former Presiding Bishop the Most Reverend Frank Griswold is the keynote speaker and calls his address "Listening with the Ear of the Heart." He will also conduct workshops on "Spiritual Practice: the narrow door to discovery and growth." St. Michael's delegates are Proscovia King, Pat Meyers, Paulette O'Malley, Terri Smith and Joyce Tracy. Attending clergy are Fr. Smith, Mother Clare, Fr. Jorge, Fr. Reed and Deacon Michael. Guatemala Project will have a display / sale table in the Exhibition Hall. Selected textiles for purchase and information about the Guatemala Project available.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Announcements through October 13

Join us Sunday, October 20 and celebrate Episcopal School Sunday. St. Michael’s students will be serving at Mass and offering musical additions to the Mass. Following the morning Masses, there will be a delicious Pancake Breakfast ~ cooked and served by our Boy Scouts under the direction of Byron Brandon and John Madsen.

Brahms, Schumann, and Faure
Performers from the Tucson Symphony Orchestra ~
Anna Gendler, Alexander Tentser,
Theodore Buchholz and Melissa Hamilton
Present an evening dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the founding of St. Michael and All Angels.

Johannes Brahms Sonata Op. 78
Robert Schumann Märchenerzählungen Op. 132
Gabriel Faure Piano Quartet in C Minor Op. 15

Knitters and Crocheters will meet Saturday, October 12 at 10am. in the School Art Room. Bring your craft and a sack lunch and join us for lively conversation and fellowship while enjoying your knitting, crocheting or your own craft.

St. Michael's at Diocesan Convention
The annual Episcopal Diocese of Arizona Convention is at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix October 18-19. Former Presiding Bishop the Most Reverend Frank Griswold is the keynote speaker and calls his address "Listening with the Ear of the Heart." He will also conduct workshops on "Spiritual Practice: the narrow door to discovery and growth."

St. Michael's delegates are Proscovia King, Pat Meyers, Paulette O'Malley, Terri Smith and Joyce Tracy. Attending clergy are Fr. Smith, Mother Clare, Fr. Jorge, Fr. Reed and Deacon Michael.

Guatemala Project will have a display / sale table in the Exhibition Hall. Selected textiles for purchase and information about the Guatemala Project available.

 An exuberant romp through scripture as we begin to look at our own callings, as individuals and as a parish.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Blessing of the Animals 2013 - This Sunday at St. Michael's!

St. FrancisThe Blessing of the Animals will take place this Sunday, October 6th, during all Masses, and is open to furry, feathery, and scaly pets in all shapes and sizes. Animals are to be on leashes or in carriers. The Blessing of the Animals is celebrated each year in conjunction with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. All are invited to bring either their pet, or a stuffed animal representing their pet, for a special blessing.