Monday, February 08, 2016

Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and More

You are invited to join us for Shrove Tuesday ~ Pancake Supper.  Tuesday ~ February 9 from 5:30 ~ 7:00 PM.  Pancakes are provided, however, please bring “side dishes to share” bacon, sausage, fruit, juice and anything else you would like to share! (Sign-up sheets in back of church.)

Ash Wednesday Services
9:40 AM  - Upper School Mass (transposed from Thursday)
12:10 PM -  Mass with Distribution of Ashes
7:00 PM - Mass with Distribution of Ashes

Parish Life is going Italian!
Join us on Thursday, February 25th at 6:30pm
At Dolce Vita
7895 E. Broadway (NW corner of Pantano and Broadway)
Buon Appetito!    (sign up sheets in back of church)

March 17th ~ POZ Café Luncheon.
St. Michael’s is once again participating with 2 other churches and TIHAN in putting on the March 17th POZ Café luncheon.We have been asked to donate 40 rolls of paper towels, 80 boxes of Kleenex,and 320 disposable razors. These items will be put in the care packages that are given out at the luncheon. The razors and Kleenex can be purchased at the Dollar Tree for a dollar. Please help us fill up the chest in the back of the church. Cash donations to buy these items are also welcome.
 We need 6 volunteers to help the day of the luncheon, March 17-time is 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.  See Dianne Gundersen or Diane Tyron for details.

A questionnaire from the nominating committee has been mailed to the entire congregation. If per chance you have not received a questionnaire in your postal mail please contact the church office by phone, 886-7292 or get in touch with Nancy Vernon by email: Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.