Friday, March 14, 2014

Announcements For Week Ending March 23, 2014 (and beyond)

**ECW will meet on Wed. March 19. We will gather in the Parish Center at 10:30 am. Ladies of the Parish, please join us. The ECW Southern Area Gathering is on April 5 at Grace St. Paul’s here in Tucson. Transportation can be provided. A sign-up sheet is in the back of church. A $15 payment is due in advance. Please give your checks to Jody Snider.

**The ECW will have a Casserole/Bake Sale on Sunday, March 23. Please support this project and bring in baked goods and casseroles next Sunday. Bring your items to the parish kitchen before Masses Thank you for participating.

**Sunday, March 23, Social Action regular committee meeting follows 10:15 am Mass, Womble Library. Everyone is welcome as we explore a few small practicalities of living the Lenten fast [noting that Isaiah recommends letting the oppressed go free, breaking every yoke, sharing bread with the hungry, bringing the homeless poor into your house, and covering the naked – [Isaiah 58: 6-9.] Agenda items to Peggy Van Norman, 721-8559.

**Sunday, March 30, following Morning Masses, we’ll assemble food packs for Tucson Samaritians to give migrants in distress in the desert. What can you bring? Gallon jugs of water, March 23 and 30th only. Just put them in the gold chest in the back of church. You don’t have to have a final opinion on all the nuance of immigration to give food to the hungry and a lifesaving cup of water to the thirsty.
** St. Michael’s Guatemala Project’s small summer teams are filling fast, and we would like another parishioner or two if possible. Team 1 (June 3-20) is full, primarily with U of A medical students and their MD advisor. Team 2 (June 24-July17) has two lots available. We are very happy to add UA student Taylor Nash, grand-daughter of the Parish , to this team. Team 3 (July 21-August 6) has space available and will be somewhat less physically demanding than the others. Interested? Ask Coordinator Ila Abernathy for details, 623-3063,