October Calendar
Feast of St. Francis
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 4th, 2015
Feast of St. Francis
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 4th, 2015
The Blessing of the Animals will take place this Sunday, October 4th, during all Masses, and is open to furry, feathery, and scaly pets in all shapes and sizes. Animals are to be on leashes or in carriers. The Blessing of the Animals is celebrated each year in conjunction with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. All are invited to bring either their pet, or a stuffed animal representing their pet, for a special blessing.
Episcopal School Sunday
Fowler Fund Sunday
Sunday, October 11th, 2015
Episcopal School Sunday
Join us Sunday, October 11 and celebrate Episcopal School Sunday. St. Michael’s students will be serving at Mass and offering musical additions to the Mass. There will be only one Mass today, at 9:30 AM. Following the morning Masses, there will be a delicious Pancake Breakfast ~ cooked and served by our Boy Scouts under the direction of Byron Brandon and John Madsen.
Annual Fowler Fund Appeal Sunday
Sunday, October 11, 2015, is also Fowler Fund Sunday. It is the one Sunday each year in which we solicit donations for St. Michael’s Fowler Fund. Your contribution supports mini-grants to help variety of programs and situations in the larger community.
St. Michael's Fowler Fund honors the memory of St. Michael's long-time former rector, Father John Clinton Fowler. It consists of two parts, a permanent endowment and an expendable fund. The expendable fund, along with available interest from the permanent endowment, allows us to provide mini-grants to worthy organizations, primarily in the local Tucson community. Recent grants have provided start-up help to a center for abused women, assisted in the restoration of a fire-damaged church in Phoenix, funded urgent medical care under the auspices of the Guatemala Project, helped make homes handicap accessible for needy elderly individuals, and supported an organization which assists homeless men.
Please plan ahead, and consider making a special donation next week to the Fowler Funds. You will find an insert in next week’s bulletin, which you can place in the white envelope with your contribution, thus directing which portion(s) of the fund you are supporting. Our Fowler Fund Committee thanks all past donors for their significant generosity, and encourages each parishioner to consider providing a contribution to this year’s Fowler Fund appeal.
Termite Sunday
Sunday, October 18th, 2015
St. Michael’s Church and School will be closed from noon Wednesday, October 14th through Sunday, October 18th, so that the church can be fumigated for dry wood termites. For everyone’s safety, the entire property will be closed off during this time to everyone except the exterminators. On Sunday, October 18th, we encourage everyone to attend another church, and to return to us the following week with your insights and suggestions during this time of transition. The church office will reopen on Monday, October 19th.Certain items will need to be removed from the property before fumigation, including foods not in cans, the Blessed Sacrament etc. We will be forming a work party after the pancake breakfast on Sunday, October 11th to accomplish this. Volunteers welcome!