Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Messenger, Christmas 2016

The newest issue of The Messenger is now available.

Please click the link below to download your copy. Thanks!

The Messenger, Christmas 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas Services 2016

Saturday, December 24

5:00 PM ~ Family Mass
Mo. Clare Yarborough, Celebrant

10:00 PM ~ Vigil of the Nativity 
(readings and music) 
10:30 PM ~ Solemn Mass
The Rector, Celebrant and Preacher

Sunday, December 25
10:00 AM  ~   Sung Mass
Fr. Benjamin Garren, Celebrant and Preacher


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending November 26, 2016

St. Michael's School is holding their annual food drive on Monday, Nov. 21. The students supply our Food Pantry with thousands of food items during Thanksgiving Week. We are very grateful for these blessings. This food keeps our Food Pantry going for several months. We need your help on Monday, Nov. 21. Please come to the office at 9:00 am. to help us empty the many boxes of food and place them on the shelves in our pantry and storage room. Many hands make light work....with your help; we will finish in two hours.

You are invited to a Thanksgiving Celebration Thursday, November 24, 2016. The day will begin with Mass at 10:30 am, followed by Thanksgiving Dinner in the Smith Parish Center. Turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy will be provided. Please bring a side dish, rolls or dessert to share. Sign-up sheets are in back of church. Please include what side dish you will bring so as not to duplicate many sides. Brother Dave will be on vacation Tuesday and Wednesday, November 22 and 23.

On the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, Angel Tree tags are available for pick-up from the Christmas tree at the back of church. Please be sure to sign the sheet on the usher’s table so that we will know what children’s names have been taken. This year we have approximately 35 children. You have been so generous with your gifts for the children. It is a real blessing for me to be involved. As usual, each child will receive a clothing gift and a toy ……etc. This year I need your gift, unwrapped, and returned to the office or brought to church no later than Sunday, December 11. Please remember to include the tags for return if any of the items are the wrong size or color. Most stores will give these when the gift is purchased. For any of you who would like to participate but are unable to shop, let me know and I will be glad to take care of it for you. May God bless all of you during this wonderful time of the year. Please call me if you have any questions or have any problems with your gifts. Thanking you in advance for your generosity – Ancelyn Smith – 991-2354

We are now collecting unwanted and gently used items for the Trinket Table at the International Bazaar to be held on December 3rd and 4th. All proceeds will go to the Social Action Committee, helping to defray the costs of the bazaar. Bring your donations to the church office. Plan now to help with Ten Thousand Villages at St. Michael’s International Holiday Bazaar, December 3 and 4th. Sponsored by Social Action Committee, “Villages” is the anchor group, included not only to serve craft communities in developing but also to attract the public through variety and name recognition. We are the only place in Arizona where you can “shop the village”. More visitors mean more purchases for small local groups, as well. We need a roster of folk to help with set-up and to sit the Villages display in two-hour rotations. To help, contact Ila Abernathy.

Remembering that Tohono O'odham and other indigenous peoples are the original stewards of this land, we give thanks for the past and present elders of their communities, and for all indigenous peoples who worship here today.

“Mass and Mammon” for Sunday, November 13 - Attendance: Morning Prayer: 4. Low Mass: 31. Family Mass: 20. Solemn Mass: 77. Spanish Mass: 10. Low Mass: 17. Giving: Pledges: $7,183.75. Open Offerings: $3,059.00. Discretionary Fund: $280. Meals Program: $50. Faith Promise: $45. Social Action: $5. Thank you for your faithful worship and generous support of the parish’s life and ministry Program: $50. Faith Promise: $45. Social Action: $5. Thank you for your faithful worship and generous support of the parish’s life and ministry

A Note About Stewardship

On Sunday, November 13th, longtime parishioner and future parish treasurer Steve Larsen gave a few remarks about stewardship during mass. We've asked him to repeat his sentiments here:

I spoke in church this past weekend about our pledge campaign. These are the things that I love about St. Michael’s: the beautiful pueblo revival sanctuary and grounds, the kind, caring and friendly people, our strong sense of social mission, Mother Clare and the whole school, the anglo-catholic liturgy, the music and the choir, our new Rector Brother Dave, Ila and the Guatemala Project, Father Jorge and Mission San Miguel, and I could go on and on.

No matter how bad we feel about what happened in the country last week, and I feel very bad, nothing has changed at St. Michael's. Nothing. We care about each other, we take care of each other and serve our community. And now, more than ever, we need our spiritual home. Our continued kindness to each other and devotion to Christ are the elements that will allow us to flourish and grow as children of God in these troubling times. And we will support St. Michael’s with our love, our time, and our pledges, as those before us have also done during the first 64 years of this parish's existence. Soli Gloria Deo. That is St. Michael’s.

Steve Larsen

This Sunday, November 20th, we will have an ingathering of pledge forms for 2017. If you have not already returned your pledge, please bring your completed form this Sunday. Extra pledge forms are in the back of the church. Thank you for your support, and for making St. Michael and All Angels your spiritual home.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Casa Maria: Feeding the Hungry ~~ Giving Thanks for our Blessings

Casa Maria sandwich making at St. Michael's is this Friday, November 11th,  in the Smith Parish Center. Come join us! Kitchen opens at 5 PM; come anytime after that!

Please bring 1 or 2 dozen cooked and peeled eggs. We need medium sized boxes for transporting the lunches. Fruit boxes from Costco or banana boxes are ideal.


Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending 11/12/16

White crosses around the altar at the back of church remember 24 of 144 undocumented persons, most unidentified, whose remains were recovered in the Arizona desert during fiscal 2016. Others lie undiscovered in the desert, leaving families in anguish and uncertainty.  The crosses were carried in pilgrimage from St. John’s Church, Ajo Road at 12th Ave. to the San Xavier Mission on October  29.  We thank the colición de Derechos Humanos for entrusting the crosses to St. Michael’s until November 7.

Our guest this Sunday, November 5th, is the Rev. Elizabeth Smith of Holy Way Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Smith coordinates a volunteer visitation program at the Eloy Detention Center. She will speak after the 10:15 am Solemn Mass, and will help us learn ways that we can offer solace and support for women and men who are detained and awaiting Immigration Court. Please join us.

ECW/WM will meet in the Parish Center on November 16.  We will begin the meeting at 10:30 AM. Please  bring an item or two for our Food Pantry. Our speaker will be Jill LaBrie, who will speak to us about the CASA Program. Please join us for ECW business, an interesting speaker, and fellowship.

We are now collecting unwanted and gently used items for the Trinket Table at the International Bazaar to be held on December 3rd and 4th.  All proceeds will go to the Social Action Committee, helping to defray the costs of the bazaar. Bring your donations to the church office.

Plan now to help with Ten Thousand Villages at St. Michael’s International Holiday Bazaar, December 3 and 4th.  Sponsored by Social Action Committee, “Villages” is the anchor group, included not only to serve craft communities in developing but also to attract the public through variety and name recognition.  We are the only place in Arizona where you can “shop the village”.  More visitors mean more purchases for small local groups, as well. We need a roster of folk to help with set-up and to sit the Villages display in two-hour rotations. To help, contact Ila Abernathy, 623-3063,

St. Michael’s School ~ Now accepting applications for school year  2017 ~  2018.  Episcopal schools throughout the USA have a tradition of excellence in education in a setting that promotes diversity, academics, and spiritual growth.  If you have or know children who will be in grades K-8 in 2017-2018, it’s not too early to come by and tour St. Michael's School located at 602 N. Wilmot.  We are here to provide potential parents with information about how a balanced Episcopal school education is the right match for so many of our children.  For more information please contact Paul Pierce, Director of Admissions, at 722-8478 ext 259, or email:

Anglican Cycle of Prayer – Let us pray for the Lusitanian Church on Portugal, and for their bishop, the Rt. Rev. José Jorge De Pina Cabral

Diocese of Arizona Cycle of Prayer – Let us pray and give thanks for Canterbury Episcopal Campus Ministry in Flagstaff.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ann Ireland, 1930-2016

As you may know, Ann Ireland passed away Saturday, October 22.
The funeral will take place, Saturday October 29 at 11 AM. here at St. Michael's.
All are invited to a reception at Lodge on the Desert following the committal.

May the soul of Ann and the souls of all faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen.​

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Religious Response to Climate Change – III: Our Daily Bread

Where: Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 

602 North Wilmot Road, Tucson, Arizona 85711

When: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM on Saturday, October 29, 2016
Mass (optional) @ 8:30 AM Lunch @ noon (free-will offering)

What: After our sessions had on 4 October and 13 December 2014 on global climate change and its likely impacts on the environment that sustains our lives, we meet now to review the science of global climate change and its projected consequences that impact our food supply. As a religious people, who pray for our daily bread, we seek understanding, wisdom and courage to take informed actions as good stewards of God’s creation.

Our five speakers on the different aspects of our chosen topic are:

• Katie Hirschboeck - Associate Professor of Climatology, Tree-Ring Lab, U of Arizona; National Catholic Climate Ambassador
The science of global climate change: update on where we are now and perspectives on where we are headed

• Clark Hansen - Regional Organizer in Organizing and Grassroots Capacity Building, Bread for the World
Hunger: current status of global food production and distribution; likely scenarios from climate change; and possible responses to meet the global needs

• Marco A. Liu - Director of Advocacy and Outreach, Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
Hunger: current status of local food production and distribution; likely scenarios from climate change; and possible responses to meet our local needs

• Angel Wang - Committee on Creation Care, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
Greening Episcopal Churches – What are Episcopalians doing to help address climate change?

• John Leech - Associate Priest, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Tucson, Arizona
Theological reflections: spiritual context for environmental actions

In addition to general and group discussions, we will have opening, noonday and closing prayers.

There will also be information tables for different concerned groups including:

Bread for the World
Community Food Bank
Scraps On Scraps
Iskashitaa Refugee Network
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Green Church

RSVP by sending an email to by 25 October 2016.  Many thanks!

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Cultural Sensitivity Seminar This Saturday!

Cultural Sensitivity Program 

ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS CHURCH presents a one-day workshop on 

Ministry in a Multicultural Community 

The Rev. Jorge S. Sotelo, facilitator 

When: Saturday, October 8, 2016, 9 AM – 4 PM 

Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 
602 N Wilmot Rd., Tucson, in the Smith Parish Center 

Registration: Please telephone 520-886-7292 to register. 

A simple lunch will be available for a $5 suggested donation.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Feast of St. Francis and the Blessing of the Animals 2016

This Sunday: BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS at all Masses.

Please make sure you are in control of your animal. Dogs must be on a leash.

After Mass a Mexican lunch be offered. Donations are graciously accepted to help with the cost of a serious operation that must be paid for, before the operation. Please be as generous as your circumstances will allow.

Next Sunday: Episcopal School Sunday, followed by our Annual Pancake Breakfast prepared by our Boy Scouts. If you haven't attended the Pancake Breakfast in the past, you don't know what you are missing. Donations to the Boy Scouts will be greatly appreciated. The Scouts are always involved in good works!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Michaelmas and The Messenger!

This Sunday, August 25th, we're celebrating Michaelmas, our patronal Feast of St. Michael! There will be just one Mass at 9:30 AM for this week only, preceded by Morning Prayer at 9 AM and followed by a festive brunch. Please plan on attending as Brother Dave Hedges celebrates his first Michaelmas with us.


Hi, Everyone! It's a bit late, but I think you'll be pleased with our latest issue of The Messenger. At 12 pages, it's the biggest issue we've done, at least in my time working on it. (It turns out that the history of The Messenger goes back all the way to the 1950s!) In here you will find interviews with both Father Richard and Brother Dave, news and info on upcoming events, and even a love story! Happy Michaelmas! - K
Click here for your copy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Casa Maria Sandwich Making is This Friday!

Casa Maria sandwich making is this Friday, September 16th at St Michael's Parish Center 602 N. Wilmot. The kitchen opens at 5 PM; come any time after that!

Come join the fun!  Bring friends.  It’s family fun with a purpose!

Please bring 1 or 2 dozen peeled eggs.  We also need medium sized boxes for transporting the lunches. Fruit boxes from Costco or banana boxes are ideal.

Karl will deliver the sandwiches.  (Thanks to Byron for June!)  If you can deliver sandwiches once or twice a year, please let us know.

Thanks to everyone who helped during the Summer! School is back! St. Michael's Students will be helping and bringing eggs.

Parking info! Due to school construction the alley east of the church complex is blocked at the south entrance. You can still park in the north section of the alley near the parish center, but you will need to back up to get out. Also there are 3 new parking spots North of the church near the breezeway to the sacristy, in front of the large storage shed.

Mark your calendars:  Casa Maria is every 4 weeks...

Oct 14th  Jan 6th
Nov 11thFeb 3rd
Dec 9thMar 3rd
  Mar 31st

Apr 28th

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Parish Notices for Week Ending September 10th, 2016

You are invited to explore the teachings of Contemplative Prayer and learn some simple ways to begin a meditation practice in the Christian tradition. We meet Saturdays from 9:30  until 11:00 am.  There is also time for coffee and fellowship. We gather at the House of Prayer, just north of the church parking lot. All are invited to bring a friend and join us.

Mama Mia! Parish Life is going to Mama Louisa’s Italian Restaurant, Thursday, September 29th at 6:30 pm ~ 2041 S. Craycroft Road (south of Golf Links).
*Seating limited to a max of 15 people, so sign up early at the back of church.

The next Adult Education class - Hobbes: “Evil as a Social Construct” meets each Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Womble Library.  The class is facilitated by Peter Schmidt. All are invited to join us for discussion on this interesting topic.

Taizé Service will be held Tuesday, September 6th in church. If you never have attended a Taizé service, this is your chance. All are invited to attend this opportunity at the close of the day.

Cultural Sensitivity Program - the Rev. Jorge S. Sotelo will present a one-day workshop on Ministry in a Multicultural Community, Saturday, October 8, 2016, 9 AM – 4 PM in the Smith Parish Center. Please telephone 520-886-7292 to register. A simple lunch will be available for a $5 suggested donation.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Notice of a Death in the Parish

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I write to inform you that our sister in Christ, Marjorie Coleman, died early this morning.

The Burial Mass will be celebrated this Friday at 11:00 AM in the church.  A luncheon will follow. Interment will be at a later date at the family plot in Virginia.

Please pray for the repose of her soul, and for those who mourn.

Father of all, we pray to you for Marjorie, whom we love, but
see no longer: Grant her your peace; let light perpetual shine 
upon her; and, in your loving wisdom and almighty power, 
work in her the good purpose of your perfect will; through 
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Rev. David Benedict Hedges, n/BSG
Rector, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, Tucson, Arizona
(520) 886-7292

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thanksgiving to God

Dear Friends:

Terri and I send you love, prayers, and congratulations as you gather with your new Rector and his family this Sunday!  For us it is an answer to our daily prayers for all of you.  I know Br. Hedges and his loved ones will receive the same loving support you gave my family during our happy years at St. Michael and All Angels Church and School.  You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

Things are very well for Terri and I in Antigua and this beautiful country of Guatemala.  Remember that you are welcome to visit us anytime.  We would love to see you!  Please include in your plans to stay over a Sunday so you can join in the Holy Eucharist at St. Alban's.

Again, Congratulations, and Peace, Love, and Joy in Jesus,

John+ and Terri too

Monday, August 01, 2016

Help Us Welcome Our New Rector!

With great joy, we announce that the Rev. David Hedges, the current Rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Sycamore, IL, has accepted the call from our Bishop Kirk Smith, as requested by our Vestry, to be the next Rector of our spiritual home, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. On 14 August, Father Dave will begin his first Sunday at St. Michael’s by officiating the Morning Prayer at 9:00 AM and celebrating the sung Solemn High Mass at 9:30 AM.  His wife, Carly Flagg, and their daughter, Zoe, will arrive later, in time for Zoe to begin class at our parish day school on 18 August.

Fr. Dave received his Bachelor of Arts in History from San Francisco State University in 2002 and his Master of Divinity from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in 2005. He was ordained Deacon at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, in 2005, and priested at St. James Cathedral, Chicago, six months later. He was Curate at St. Mary’s, Crystal Lake, IL (2005-2007), then Rector of St. Peter’s (2007-present). He is passionate about the liturgy, sacramental pastoral care, and about the work of inviting into the church those who are not yet its members. He is excited by St. Michael's because of its balanced blend of catholic liturgy and social action, as well as the presence of the parochial school community.

Fr. Dave is a member of the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory, a religious community of men in the Episcopal Church, whose members, lay and ordained, follow a common rule of life and serve the church on parochial, diocesan, and national levels. Their Rule includes prayer, service, stewardship, and individual renewal among other matters. Brothers may be married, partnered, or single, and aim to follow St. Gregory the Great as "servants of the servants of God" whether in church or in society. Dave was thrilled to discover the sign at the back of St. Michael's saying Soli Deo Gloria, the very motto of the Brotherhood! Shortly before coming to St. Michael's, Dave will become a Novice Brother, and will be properly addressed as Brother Dave for short.

Dave's wife, Carly, will be serving the Tucson community as an American Sign Language Interpreter. She has an MA in ASL-English Interpretation from Gallaudet University, and a BA in Early Childhood Education from Smith College, and taught ASL-English Interpretation at the university level for sixteen years. Other graduate work includes study in Counseling and Developmental Psychology. Carly enjoys yoga, running, gardening, and cooking. She shares with Dave a common interest in letter-writing and postal ephemera. Dave enjoys bowling, photography, and long road trips.
Their daughter Zoe (12) will be enrolled at St. Michael's School. She has been a Girl Scout for six years and has earned her Bronze Award for efforts in increasing community literacy. She also enjoys horseback riding, drawing, and theatre.

As we joyfully welcome our new Rector and his family, we must wholeheartedly acknowledge our congregations’ enthusiastic participation in our self-study, our Nominating Committee’s wisdom and perseverance, our Vestry’s prayerful discernment, our Interim Rector Fr. Richard Mallory’s loving care, Canon Russ Smith’s consultation, the Rev. Canon Megan Traquair’s guidance, and our Bishop’s blessing throughout the challenging process. Alleluia!

Respectfully yours,
Howard Creswell, Junior Warden, and Ke Chiang (John) Hsieh, Senior Warden
3 July 2016

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Casa Maria Friday July 22 - With Notes on Parking

Casa Maria sandwich making is this Friday, July 22nd at St Michael's Parish Center 602 N. Wilmot . The kitchen opens at 5 PM; come any time after that!

Come join the fun!  Bring friends.  It’s family fun with a purpose!

Please bring 2 or 3 dozen peeled eggs.  We don't get extra eggs from the school students in the summer. We also need medium sized boxes for transporting the lunches. Fruit boxes from Costco or banana boxes are ideal.

Karl will deliver the sandwiches.  (Thanks to Byron for June!)  If you can deliver sandwiches once or twice a year, please let us know.

You all are great!  Thanks for your efforts and help so far this summer!

Parking info! Due to school construction the alley east of the church complex is blocked at the south entrance. You can still park in the north section of the alley near the parish center, but you will need to back up to get out. Also there are 3 new parking spots North of the church near the breezeway to the sacristy, in front of the large storage shed.

Mark your calendars:  Casa Maria is every 4 weeks...

2016 2017
Aug 19th   Jan 6th
Sept 16th Feb 3rd
Oct 14th Mar 3rd
Nov 11th     Mar 31st
Dec 9th Apr 28th

Casa Maria Team
Georgiana & Colby Maye, Karl Macomber…  Food Coordinators and purchasing
Robin Donaldson…  purchases and delivers the cookies
Carolyn Schlager…  purchases and delivers the ham
Pat Miller, Sue Peyron, Robin Donaldson, Jo Leeming, Sam Meyer… Kitchen Coordinators
Karl Macomber, Maruice Wilde, Byron Brandon…Transportation
Pam Stalkfleet… Lower school Coordinator for Friday afternoon prep (when school is in session)

Friday, July 08, 2016

An Invitation - Sendoff for Fr. Richard Mallory!

All are invited to attend Mass on July 31, 2016 at 9:30 am.
(One Mass only that day!)

The Rev. Dr. Richard Mallory



(Reservation sheets in back of church)
(suggested brunch donation $10.00)

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

A Note from Guatemala

Hola, relatives and tennis buffs.

Because we are still working on the papers to get a significant reduction in import taxes on the donor vehicle, I had a little hiatus in the capital and watched the classic Federer - Cilic match on a really bad tiny TV (no HD here!) in my bargain room at the historic Spring Hotel, while I sorted papers and organized materials, or pretended to.

What a treat!  Usually I miss Wimbledon, or most of it, in the communities.  Will miss much of the rest, unless there are major glitches in some crazy travel plans.  But this was the remarkable one to see.  So elegant.

Am feeling the lack of health professionals to run around with, and huge time compression.  Also, there are multiple children who have required special treatment, and we will be clipping heavily into "Legado Elisabet."  Femur fracture, Q4000 platin (about $475), to which we will pay Q500 unless I find more funds.  Child born with spinal problem and two twisted feet in a really remote community to a 14-year-old mother (this is the simple version), followup needed on Maglena of the heart condition in Pal, and I really want to get Nicolas of the repaired cleft lip and still-to-do wide open palate to the good location in Antigua, where a volunteer is willing to come up with a match for the hospital costs.  Petrona Chavez continues orthodontic followup for same, corrected several years ago.

We went to Pedro Bernal's community for 2 nights and a full day because he couldn't leave for Nebaj when we wanted, thinking to do some light Hgb and glucose testing, and ran into everybody's wanting a test.  This was to be the easy, well-regulated community.  Until the woman who had discontinued diabetes treatment showed up with glucose too high to read and BP at 250/140.  We were the only ones with equipment to test and simple meds, and an MD visiting with an optical jornada agreed there was absolutely no point in trying to get her to a hospital.  We set up a plan and did some good, simple social work counseling.  Do you know what diabetes is?  Do you know what is can do the body?  Etc.  Also tested her feet for sensation (fine), using Dr. Pust's simple wire testers.

Then, when we were ready to fold up our tents (figurative) and call it a day, a family showed up with a boy suffering from "susto" (fright, panic) because the youth who had raped his sister when she was 11 and the perpetrator 15 had returned to the community after prison and MAY have threatened the little brother (some of you already have this news).  They got to ventilate, and we did some Capacitar exercises, breathing, but it seems the frailest stay against the complicated dynamics (you, again, are getting the simplified version).

Need to stop before the computer runs out of juice.  And I had written just to glory in the fantastic tennis.

Asi es la vida!

Hello, Goodbye

Greetings! The new Rector, Fr. Dave, will have his first Mass at St. Michael's on Sunday, August 14. There will be one mass that day at 9:30 AM, followed by a Festive Brunch in the Smith Parish Center.

As we say goodbye to Fr. Richard, his  last mass  at St. Michael's will be held on Sunday, July 31. There will be one mass that day at 9:30 AM, followed by a Luncheon in his honor in the Smith Parish Center.

May God richly bless everyone!  Amen!


Sunday, July 03, 2016

We Have a New Rector!

With great joy, we announce that the Rev. David Hedges, the current Rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Sycamore, IL, has accepted the call from our Bishop Kirk Smith, as requested by our Vestry, to be the next Rector of our spiritual home, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. On 14 August, Father Dave will begin his first Sunday at St. Michael’s by officiating the Morning Prayer at 9:00 AM and celebrating the sung Solemn High Mass at 9:30 AM.  His wife, Carly Flagg, and their daughter, Zoe, will arrive later, in time for Zoe to begin class at our parish day school on 18 August.

Fr. Dave received his Bachelor of Arts in History from San Francisco State University in 2002 and his Master of Divinity from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in 2005. He was ordained Deacon at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, in 2005, and priested at St. James Cathedral, Chicago, six months later. He was Curate at St. Mary’s, Crystal Lake, IL (2005-2007), then Rector of St. Peter’s (2007-present). He is passionate about the liturgy, sacramental pastoral care, and about the work of inviting into the church those who are not yet its members. He is excited by St. Michael's because of its balanced blend of Catholic liturgy and social action, as well as the presence of the parochial school community.

Fr. Dave is a member of the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory, a religious community of men in the Episcopal Church, whose members, lay and ordained, follow a common rule of life and serve the church on parochial, diocesan, and national levels. Their Rule includes prayer, service, stewardship, and individual renewal among other matters. Brothers may be married, partnered, or single, and aim to follow St. Gregory the Great as "servants of the servants of God" whether in church or in society. Dave was thrilled to discover the sign at the back of St. Michael's saying Soli Deo Gloria, the very motto of the Brotherhood! Shortly before coming to St. Michael's, Dave will become a Novice Brother, and will be properly addressed as Brother Dave for short.

Dave's wife, Carly, will be serving the Tucson community as an American Sign Language Interpreter. She has an MA in ASL-English Interpretation from Gallaudet University, and a BA in Early Childhood Education from Smith College, and taught ASL-English Interpretation at the university level for sixteen years. Other graduate work includes study in Counseling and Developmental Psychology. Carly enjoys yoga, running, gardening, and cooking. She shares with Dave a common interest in letter-writing and postal ephemera. Dave enjoys bowling, photography, and long road trips.
Their daughter Zoe (12) will be enrolled at St. Michael's School. She has been a Girl Scout for six years and has earned her Bronze Award for efforts in increasing community literacy. She also enjoys horseback riding, drawing, and theatre.

As we joyfully welcome our new Rector and his family, we must wholeheartedly acknowledge our congregations’ enthusiastic participation in our self-study, our Nominating Committee’s wisdom and perseverance, our Vestry’s prayerful discernment, our Interim Rector Fr. Richard Mallory’s loving care, Canon Russ Smith’s consultation, the Rev. Canon Megan Traquair’s guidance, and our Bishop’s blessing throughout the challenging process. Alleluia!

Respectfully yours,

Howard Creswell, Junior Warden, and Ke Chiang (John) Hsieh, Senior Warden
3 July 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

We've Found Our New Rector!

Senior Warden ke Chiang "John" Hsieh makes the announcement
as interim rector Fr. Richard Mallory looks on.
Dear fellow parishioners,

We are delighted to tell you that we have a new Rector!

After the Nominating Committee had interviewed all five applicants on Skype, three were given a second in-depth interview, the Committee sent the strongest applicant’s name to the Vestry.

After two days of intense conversations and interactions with the finalist in person, the Vestry enthusiastically embraced him and requested our Bishop Kirk Smith to issue him the call to be our Rector. The finalist enthusiastically accepted the call, all on the same day.

The new Rector signed the Letter of Agreement on 20 June; our Treasurer and Senior Warden signed the same document on 23 June; and our Bishop received and approved it on 24 June. A new relationship is established!

Who our new Rector is will be revealed on the day he informs this current congregation of his leaving them.* Any earlier release of his identity would be a breach of confidence and disallowing him from completing his pastoral duty to his flock. Please keep him, his current congregation and this congregation in your prayers. Please remember, as imitators of Christ, let all our thoughts, words and deeds be that of love, trust and hope.

Thank you for your patience and support throughout this process. Your continuing prayers are needed as always.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Your Vestry
*Remember when Fr. John Smith informed us before he left us for retirement? The protocol is similar and should be respected.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kurt Just, RIP

Dear Friends,

With sadness at the unexpectedly sudden news, but also with faith in the mercy and love of God, I regret to inform you of the death of my father, Prof. Kurt Just, in Tucson, AZ.

A close family friend spent the whole morning with my father on Saturday, June 18; but when another friend came to pick him up and take him to church on Sunday morning, June 19, he was found dead in his own bed at home. So he evidently died peacefully in his sleep, either overnight or late Saturday afternoon.

My mother, Sigrid Just, (age 87) is still living in Tucson, in the same Assisted Living home where she has received very good care for the past seven years; she seems to be taking the news well so far.

Kurt had just celebrated his 89th birthday last month, and he was looking forward to seeing my two older brothers (Stefan and Klemens) and me again in Tucson this Thursday, so that we could all celebrate Klemens' 60th birthday together. But God’s timing was evidently different, calling Kurt home to himself on Father’s Day.

My family is grateful that we will be able to celebrate a Memorial Mass together at 10:00 a.m. this Saturday morning, June 25, at the Newman Catholic Student Center in Tucson (1615 E 2nd St, on the corner of Cherry Street, right by the University of Arizona).

My father chose to have his body donated to scien
ce; so there will be no burial, just the Memorial Mass, and we will arrange for the internment of his ashes later this summer.

Thank you for your prayers for my father and all my family.
May he rest in peace!

Fr. Felix Just, SJ

Rector Search Update - Remember Candyland?

We are on the home stretch of our rector search!
Hang in there, folks! We're almost there!

(Click on the graphic to enlarge.)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Announcements for Week Ending June 25, 2016

Just a Reminder.....Casa Maria sandwich-making is this coming Friday, June 24th at 5 PM in the Smith Parish Center. Your help is needed to prepare sack lunches for the homeless and disadvantaged of Tucson. Volunteers can always use a few “eggstra” hands and as always “shelled” hard boiled eggs. Join them for fellowship and to help with this good work

From the Senior Warden:
The Vestry has had two days of intense conversation face-to-face with the finalist of the candidates. The Vestry is currently in deliberation and will make an announcement at the appropriate time. Thank you for your patience and participation.  Please keep on praying so God’s will be done. Amen. †

Dear Friends at St. Michael’s,
Thank you for all your love and caring for me during my three months recovery from my fractured hip.  Your phone calls, visits and cards were a great support during the dark days. The sun is shining again and I am so grateful!
Thank you from,
Margaret Harnsberger

SIGN UP TO VISIT OPERATION STREAMLINE with the Social Action Committee on June 28! Every weekday at the Federal District Court in Tucson, up to 70 immigrants receive prison sentences after being charged with the felony of “re-entry after deportation.” This is your chance to witness en-masse legal proceedings. Sign-up sheets in back of church!

Drawing credit:

You are invited to join Parish Life for an evening of burgers, lively conversation and fellowship. Meet us at the ZINBURGER located at 6390 East Grant Road ~ Thursday, June 30th at 6:30 pm.  Sign- up sheets are located in the back of church.


Reminder: Taizé Service this Tuesday, June 21 at 6:45 pm in church. All are invited to join us!

Contemplative Prayer Group will meet this Saturday, June 25th at 9:30 am at the House of Prayer. Everyone is invited to attend.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Guatemala Sendoff Pix - Featuring the Blessing of the Jeep!

The 2016 Guatemala Project Sendoff took place Saturday, June 19th. All photos are by Senior Warden Ke Chiang "John" Hsieh.

Fr. Jorge Sotelo blessed the vehicle that has been 
donated to the Project for use in Guatemala.

Domingo Alvarez Ajanel, on a visit from Guatemala, discusses 
his work with the Maya communities.

Photographer Michael Hyatt, a Tucson Samaritan, 
donated the vehicle and will help drive.

Domingo and Project coordinator Ila Abernathy
