8:00 am Labyrinth Meditation Walk
5:30 pm Low Mass (for Nuclear Disarmament)
6:00 pm Evening Prayer
6:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting (Office Workroom)
19 Tue
8:05 am Mass (for the lower school grades)
7:00 pm Vestry Meeting (Parish Center)
10:00 am E.C.W. Meeting and Luncheon
12:10 pm Low Mass and Unction (Healing Service)
6:00 pm Evening Prayer
21 Thu St. Thomas The Apostle
7:30 am Morning Prayer
9:30 am Mass
22 Fri
6:30 pm Casa Maria ~ Parish Center
23 Sat
8:30 am Low Mass
24 SUN FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT ~ Masses held in Parish Center
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Mass with Homily
9:45 am Child Care & Sunday School
10:00 am Mass with Homily
MASS FOR CHURCH UNITY CONTINUES EVERY FRIDAY AT 12:10 PM with celebrant the Rev. Womble. All are urged to attend as we pray for Church Unity.
LARGE PRINT SERVICE BULLETIN ~ If you or, someone you know, would like the service bulletin in large print, please contact the parish office at 886-7292.
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - the special beauty of St. Michael’s Christmas worship is the work of many people. Not all can be directly involved, but all can contribute to the Christmas Flowers and Decorations. Please use the Christmas Flowers envelope for floral donations.
Maturing In Faith Classes will resume on Sunday, January 14, 2007
School Las Posadas Lunch ~ December 22 ~ Help serve at this festive activity. Arrive around 11 am and be finished in about 2 hours. The school contracts with our friend Maria Garcia for the meal and benefits her projects with indigenous in Mexico. Sign up on the sheet in the back of church or call Ila at 623-3063.
2007 ORDO KALENDARS AVAILABLE on the ushers’ cabinet. A donation of $3.00 per calendar is requested to cover handling charges (place donation envelope in the collection basket or bring to the church office)
THANK YOU TO ALL who have returned their PLEDGE CARDS. This is a great help to the Vestry in planning for next year. There are still some extra pledge cards in the back of church if you need one.
VESTRY MEETING THIS TUESDAY, starting at 7:00 PM, in the Parish Center. All parishioners are invited to attend this important parish function.
CASA MARIA VOLUNTEERS WILL MEET THIS FRIDAY, at 6:30 PM, in the Parish Center to prepare sack lunches. Your help is needed - the volunteers can always use a few extra hands and SHELLED hard-boiled eggs. Join them for fellowship and to help with this good work.
THE PLEDGE/STEWARDSHIP BOXES OF ENVELOPES are available in the back of church. Please pick up your envelopes today. By doing so, you help defray the cost of mailing. Thank You!
TALLEY FAMILY TRANSPORTATION ~ Two or more volunteers are needed to take turns bringing Eric (age 6) and Obadiah (age 3) to Sunday School and church, while their mother works. To help once a month, please call Sue Peyron - 749-1001. The family lives mid-town just off Speedway.
Fourth Sunday of Advent ~ Wait For The Lord
Services at 8 and 10 am
In The Parish Center
~Christmas Services ~
with Christmas Story for Children
& Setting Up of the Crêche
Music for Christmas Eve
Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo
by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
for Choir, Soloists, String Quartet and Organ